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r Cor.3 . i t, z3. llave Chrif and have all. rituali wedlock with Civil, bath intereil in all the things of this great hou e of the world, Of filch as have Chrii the Apoirle tatith, Al tl :innr are yourc, w'tet/her Paul, or Aj:ollo, or Ce- pbas, or the told, or life, or death, or things prejent, or things to come ; all are fours, and yee are Cnriffr, and Cbriff is Gods : All things are yours ; all the creatures here below are yours, as your fervants to doe fervice to you, as all the fervants of the howl are under the ß'liilreffe of the houle : the Angels are a1ó yours to miniaer to you, as the Nobles of the Land are the Q_ieens to attend and wait upon her : All things are ap- pointed for yonr good, for your edification, fupportation and comfort : Whether Paul, or Apollo,.or Cepha,s, all the Mi.- nülers of God from the highefl to the lowell, are yours, as lights to guide you, pallors to feed you with knowledge and underllanding, as Shepheards to gather you home to Chrifl, as Phyfitians to heale you, as builders to hew and fquare ou,as husbandmen to manure and dreffe you, as the friends if the Bridegroonte to wooe you, to perfwade and betroth ,'ou to Chrifl : All the Ordinances of God are yours, as a choole to inflru& you, as a Banquetting houle to feed you, s an Artillery houle to furnifh you with fpirituall armour, s a B.tbefda to heale you : All thefè are for your fakes, for our good : The world is yours, as a houle for you to dwell a Country for you to live in for a feafon : All the goods of the world are yours to Life as the things of the houle are the wives to ufe ; they are all fan &ified unto you : All the malice and oppoGtion of the world is' yours to weane you from the earth, to drive you home to Chrifl, to exercife our graces, and fweeten unto you Chrifl _Jelus : The ful- iletTe, pomp and glory of the world is yours, to try your obriety, humility, vigilàñcy and moderation in all things. Not onely all things are yours, , but all conditions, whether szf : or death ; life is yours; the time of life isyours to learne and know God, to getaffurance of another life : The pro - tperity of life is yours, to be th ankfull to God for it : The troubles of life are yours, to learne to beare the croule with =_patience : All the ieverall efldtes and conditions of life are ;ours; in each .of them to chew your fubjeftion and obc°di.. fr ence