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8 6 Chrifi in our f lef h true God. --.._-. OMSnis pleni- tudo %livinæ 71atuYx in 69Y- pffe ejus inha- bitat Dofr. Allocation. neffe of the God -head dwels in Chrift, and that is bodily, in the body or humain nature affumed ; in that the fulneffe of the God- head dwelleth : All fulneflè, faith Jerome, of the divine nature dwelleth in his body ; and the Apoftle addeth this word bodily, firlt, to put a diftin&ion between the dwel- ling of the God -head in the humain nature aflìimed, and in the Saintr ; in them the God -head dwels by, the communi- cation of vertu, but in this the God head dwels perfonally, by the communication of the perfon of the Son to the hu- maine nature : fecondly, this the Apoftle addeth, to Phew that Chrift, according to his humain nature, is head of the Church, by reafon of the perfonal inhabitation of the God- head in the flefh : thirdly, to declare the full and open mani- feflation of God in Chrift : God did often manifeft himfelfe unto men in fhadowes, and in powerfull and mighty works, but in Chrift he hath manifefted himfelfe nioft fully, 'dwel- ling in the flefh affumed perfonally ; fo. that Chrift in our flefh is true God and true man, and he that bath the Son of God hath the Father, he that enjoyes Chrift enjoyes God, becaufe the God - head dwels in the humane nature perfonal- ly, and by this we fee, that Cbriff dwelling in our flefh is true God. Chrift the Sonne of God dwelling in our flefh, is truly and effentially God, no- thing is wanting to Chrift that belongs to God, that apper- taines to the divinity ; whatfoever the Father doth, the Son doth in our flefh, though not by the power of the flefh, but by his God -head dwelling in the flefh ; the names of nature and of impofition, the titles of honour, love, o$ice and la- bour, which are given unto Chrift, and the attributes of eternity, of immutability, immortality, onmiprefence, om- nifciency and omnipotency, afcribed unto Chrift, together with the miraculous and mighty works wrought'by Chrift, doe give an ample, deer and invincible,teftimon_y of Chrifts God -head. Let us therefore look upon the God -head of Chrift in our flefh, and admire his goodneffe in comming fo neere un- to us, and ftrive by faith and love to come to him, and through him to God ; Chrift reconciling God and man, as Jacobs