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Z he £piffle Dedicatory. lafl gift, though of :flender worth : the lafl words of ; Gods Miniflers,our fpirituall Parents,doe commonly (like the. words of dying men) rake the deepefl imp-cf.- fion in their hearers. True Chriftians think often, and put great price upon the lafl labours of Gods Minifters : I therefore here prefent unto you that which I publified as my lafl minifleriall Will and Tcllament among you, with fome part of my poorr: labours fince befowed on others, defiring you, like' loving children,to accept it ; like provident and c.s rc- full children, to make the humble, true and bc-ft: Life of it : A fuall gift well u led, proves many times an inflrument of great enrichmenr. Though I ceafe to be your Milliíler, and am now no-more your Inílruer, yet I cannot ceafc robe your true, though weak and unworthy, perhapti derpi fed, friend : and as oyntment and perfume (according to Solomon) rejoyce the heart, lo would I gladly by hearty councell, diftill on you the drops of Come friendly, force Chriflian and fpirituall fweetncfre to the reioycing and revivement of your Conies : and as iron Playpens iron, fo am I willing by force words Of admonition, exhortation and excitation, to fhzirpen and quicken your affefStions. Let me therefore as a conflatit lover of your fouls, and a carefull remembrances of your welfare, et,trcar and perfwade you all, Firfl, to grow in the fight and fence of your finne : Beware of hardneffe, keep-your hearts loft and contrite, nourifh and maintaine all tendernefre in your confciences :fence ofmifery fweer- ens mercy ; the feeling of finne breedes both the loathing and leavig of finne; mans fight of his owne vileneffe, makcs, Chrifl very .precious, and breeds a IT 3 low