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93 i 9 Grounds of Saints fùltzeffè. 4;o1,41I 3. E phcf. 3. 19. Ephef I. Y. i.ìn3t'.t};with Chrift. Rona. I a. 5.. HOP. z.19. fec`i and full in the will of God, in the knowledge and obfer- vance of it, as a good fervant is full in knowing and obey- ing his Maters will, as a good Traveller is full in his way knowing it, and going on fully in it, with all his flrength, with all cheerfulneffe, and with all ftedfalneffe ,: Yea, filled with all the fulneffe of God, not with the fùlneffe of his effence, but of his operations and communications of his grace to the foules of men : With the fulne ff of his will, being filled with the knowledge of his will in all wildome and ff irituall underffanding With the fulneffe of his Pronifes,beleeving them,and draw- irig waters of confolation from them with the bucket of faith, as from fu many. Wels of comfort : With the fulneffe of his love, as the childe with the leve of the Parent, feel- ing the love of God flied abroad in their hearts With the fulneffe of his gifts, as the gyre is full of the light of the Sunne : With the fulneffe of his Chrifl,who filleth all things in all men. And thus we fee there is a fpirituall and heaven- ly,fulneffe in the Lords fervants. CHAP. XVII. Laying down forge grounds ofthe_Sabots per f effion, LN regard of union with, and incorporation into Chrift ; They are united Chrift as.branches to the Vine ; the ,Vine' is of the fame nature with the branches ; fo is Chri ft, as man, of the fame nature with. beleevers : the Branches have their o- riginall from the Vine, beleevers are begotten againe by Chrifl to a lively hope: the Branches are firpportedj non- riffled, and filled by the Vine ; fo are all true beleevers by Chrifl, They are united unto Chrift; as members to the head ; the head communicates fence and - motion to all the members of the body; Chrift communicates tpirituall life; fence and motion, a heavenly fulnefle of All good things to the members of his myflicall body : They are,united unto Chrift as the Bride unto the Bridegroome, they are betrothed unto him for ever ; the wife by her wedlocke participates of the i