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98 i t-ieb. i r . i.z. CharaCiers of holy Fulnege. 2. Fulness of an- 1werableneHé ro the whole Law. Matth.8.8. z Tim.z.z a. Fuln te ofli- berry trorn the rule5.)f z Chron.i ç,. A4latth.5. a Samt; flones to his fortitude, all Satans temptations are bu t fi fire- brands call into the water all the gainfayings of the world are to him but as the barking ofdogges to a traveller, all the proffers of the world are bale and contemptible ; the very reproach. of Chrifi is in his eye, greater riches then all the treajures of ../Egypt : the Horse neighs at the Trumpet, the Le- viathan laughs at the Speare, the man that is filled with Chrift accounts it all joy to fall into manifold temptations ; he is ready to goe through fire and water, he carries his life in his hand,hefayes to father and mother,l know you not;tocar- nall counfellours and friendly enemies, getyou behind me Satap. 2 By the fulness of anfwerablenefs to the whole law and will of God : where is fulness of.grace, the whole man is put into a holy frame, and there is a readiness tp,obey every pre- cept, as the Centurions Souldiers were ready to every com- mand, to goe and come,to doe this and to doe that ; a readiness to beleeve every promise, as there is a readiness in the hand to receive every gift ; a.readinefs to embrace every wholfome admonition, as there is a readiness in the eye to receive light from every ftarre, a readineffe in the ground to receive rairie from every cloud, a readineffe with diligence to follow every mood work, as there is a readineffe in the hand of a good Schu- ler to write after every letter in the copy. 5 By the fulneffe of liberty and freedome fr'om the rule end power of every fin : at Jo(bua put all the Canaanites un- der, fo doth fulneff'e of grace put downe every luff, it fullers no fin to reigne.;. as, 21'a depofed his owne mother, fo doth this the mother fin of thefoule, the fin that is molt deare : if the eye offend,.itplucks it out.; if the band offend,, it cuts it of ; it cloth not work by halves as Saul .did, but, deilroyes all as Samuel did : it reftor'es.the whole man to liberty ; the under - ffanding to know,.as Chrift reftored the blind man to fight ; the will to embrace Chriff, as the man whole hand was wi thereda had it made whole to receive any gift the imagina- tion and affections to mind and meditate upon, to love and delight in the things which are above, as Chrift healed the woman thathad a fpirit of infirmity,, making her able to walk