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oo Motives to ficlneffl. C01,2 Four medita- tions moving to this fulnes. r.Fuln,fíè.of oppofiag power. iudgt4. 2. ....weer a- gree;nent be- tween Hea: t and tat>rd ?. _ rnifeb of God, and build upon them : In the knowledge the bounty ofGod, and and be thankfull : In the knowledge of the Iove of God, and be cheerftill : In the knowledge of the gracious working of God, and attend to more fpirituall per#e &ion : In the knowledge of the death of Chrif}, attain- ing to a greater meat ire of mortification : In the knowledge of the refurre &ion of Chrifl, being more and more quit ned by him : In the knowledge of the fulneffe of Chrifi, drawing neerer to him, receiving more and more from him, more and more folacing, quieting and contenting our fouls in and with h im. Let us labour for fnlneffe of Faith, as the tree encreafeth in the fulneffe of his roots, being rooted and built up in Citrift,.and ftabliffied in the faith, abounding therein with thanksivinT. Let us ifrive to be full oflove, as a fire of much" wood is full of heat ; and as the Bride is full of love, even. - tick oflove towards the Bridegroome : to be full o£joy with the light of Gods countenance, as the favourite is full Of joy with the Kings countenance,.the light of the Kings countenance being unto him as life,and his favour as a cloud f the latter raine. O let us endeavour to be full of the ho- ly Ghoft, full of the fruits of the Spirit, as a good Orchard is full of all forts of fruit. And thebetter to provoke our foules to this, let us meditate : Upon the fulneffe of that power which loth oppofe the welfare of our foules There is a fulneffe of finne, a fulnefs of Satan, a faalneffe of worldly vanities, which without a fulneffe of grace we. can never withfland, fubdue and caft downe. When the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon Sampfon, he rent the Lyon : when the Spirit of the Lord cons- eth mightily in the fulneffe of his grace upon us,then Satan the raring Lyon is put to flight,then his workes are di1foly- ed, then the ftrong holds of finne are caft downe, and the foule prevailed' : "Therefore the Apode chargeth us to be ftrong in the Lord,and in the power of his might, to put on the whole armour of God, that we may be able toiand again fr the wiles of the Di Zell. Upon the fweet agreement which will arife from this fed- ,,bette betweene our hearts gad the word of God : This will mal y; fx: