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Motives te fxlne.ffi I ìnakethecom urn ie-nerac A,1 eau: yoice, a plaine path : this will make the Word 1w t and pleaCant, as the light unto a cleere eye, wine unto a thirty palate, or m: tt to a healthy and hungry fiofnacke, or the voyc: ch: om to the BridP,w en'her heart is full of clove towards him. Upon this fatisfa &ion and cont ntment which this ful- neffe of grace will minifter to the foule : It will b: as a liv- irlg /J'ring, as floods *of water within us,q.i.nching our third, and taking off all ow longings from the world : it will be to us as the Pearle to the MrrcSant in the Parable, in Read of all worldly treafiiee,it will content us in every eiate,b. in Read of all to ou r Conies. Upon the joy arifing hence : Fulneffe of grace brings fui- neffe of joy ; ftrong joy difpelling all forro v and fadneífe, as the Sunne cloth the clouds ; full joy making the un der- ftanding joyfull in the knowledge ofGod; rniking the will joyful! in the choyce and embracement of God, in the fin cere,free and full intendm:nt of God,and the glory of God ; making the imagination- joyfull in the meditation and thought of God ; making the memory joyful' in the re- membrance of God and his Word,and Workes ; making all the affef}ions joyful! in the trufling, fearing, and loving of God ; making all the members of the body joyful! in the performance of their feverall offices and fervices to God - ward. This fillette with all joy and peace; with the joy of children for our adoption, with the joy,of Brides for our fpirituall conjun &iön ; with the joy of friends for our knowledge of Gods fecret and counfell ; with the joy of rich men for our treafiure any interell in, all things ; with the joy of hires for our claime and title to Gods kingdome ; with the joy of Nobles for our dignity and exaltation ; with the joy of Conquerours for ourvi &ory over all oppotion; with the joy of free -men for our fpirituall prerogatives and freedome ; with the joy of Kings for our holy and gracious dominion, with the inchoation of all joyes in this lifeand the confummation. and perfe&ion of endieffe joy hereafter in heaven. F i .N I S. Yoz 40111. 3.SatisFaetion which it mini- ftreth. Iohn 4.I4. Iohn 7. Mar. r 3.4 4 4. Tovarifing from k.