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Caufes ofHumilistion. 1.7,1 4111meme 1 r17 their covetoufneífe, drunkenneffe, pride, malice ; like the women of whom the Apoflle fpeaks, that were alwayes learn - z Tim.3.7. ing, and never came to the knowledge of the truth. Story relates of Auguftiu, how in his folemne feat's he gave gifts, giving to fome gold,to others trifles:So God in his ban ueting- houfe,, in the nfe of his ordinances, with which he fealis and feeds' the foules of his fervants, giveth to fome gold, the Paving graces of his Spirit, which are more precious then gold to others he gives trifles, common knowledge, hifioricall faith, &c. and with this they reíl content. Fourthly, how great is -the number of prophane, carnal!, 4.. and ignorant people ? Are they not in refpe& of them that fliew forth the power of godlinefle in their eonverfations,as the Midianiti jh Army to Gideons three hundred fouldiers, as the tares over - topping the wheat ; the people that truly feare God, are ta the reif but as Lot among the Sodomites, one Ier.z. rq. of a Citie, two of a Tribe, faith the Prophet. Straight is the way, March.7.r,. and narrow is the gate which leadeth unto life, and few, faith Chrifi (few comparatively) are they that finde it ; and among 'the' great number of impenitent trap fgreffours,- there -is no- one' (wearer, drunkard, adulterer, idolater; &c. but his finne be- cometh thefinrne, of the Dingdome, Congregation, place, Family where he lives, he being a member thereof; as the' finne of Afeban became - the finite of the whole Army. And Ioffiva 7.3 2..- thus it continueth Ratan we humble our (elves for it, feeke the pardon, flop the courfe, and - labour the removall there- of, as the Mariners removed Jonah, that theitarmy- tempoft might Iona h r. be appea fed. . Fifthly, what entertainment finde firth as doe truely 5. make. confcienee of their wayes, and refufe to run -with 'others into the fame exceffe of ryot ? Doe not the hearts of men rife againfI them, their tongues reproach them, their hands oppreífe them ?'Doti) not he that departeth fromini- Ifa.g9_rs. quity make him; elfe a prey, as- the Sheepe to the Lyon , the Dóve to the Raven ? Hath not our Saviour, foretold usxthat for this their names (pall be calfout as abominable. Luke 26: z.z. Sixthly, what wearineffe of holy duties, religious exer- 6. -- cifes, as in the dayes of the Prophet, they complained of the Q length