I20 -..... Wherein to fhew our f lvef fruit full. ffore -houfe ; by carrying home the waters which are drawn .out of the Wels offalvation, as in firme and Cure Veffels; by ,engraving upon your hearts as Letters written with a pen of Iron, or the poynt ofa Diamond, that it may never be blot- ted out ; by ruminating and meditating. thereupon day and Prov.?: z,3,4 night writing them upon the tables of your hearts, keeping them as the apple of your eye, binding them as jewels and precious ftones upon your fingers, in regard of your affe &ion to them, high eftima- t tion,carefull prefervation, continual remembrance of them, ,fingular delight in them ; let them be to you as fillers and Kinfwomen for your daily commemoration of them,famili- ar communion andacquaintance with them. 3. Be fruitfull in your affealons : Let your love grow as the Ezek_47,4. :raters which flowed out under the Temple, as the Cloudwhich was I Kings ¡S. .trft no bigger then amans hand, and at length ro great that it cove- 44-.45% 'red the whole heavens ;let it grow to a great love, to a flaming and a burning fire, a fire fo ftrong that, no floods be able to quenceit ; to a love like Jonathans love to David, a love f urpaf- Pfa1.3 5.13; ring the love of women to their children. 0 love the Lord all ye his aims, faith the Pfalmif ; love him with a childs love, a friends love,a wives.love: love him with all .manner of love; love him purely in regard of the fpring whence your love arifeth, love him fincerely for the quality, love him fervent- ly for the meafiire,love him continually, conlfantly, for the rime, love him univerfally for the extent ; love him in his Attributes as a God of power fupporting, a -God of wif- dome guiding, a God of mercy forgiving ; love him in his Creatures, as an Almighty Maker, dove him in his Word as a King prefcribing lawes of obedience, as a friend revealing his counfels, declaring the riches of his mercies ; love him in his children as the Fountaine of all grace and fant`lifi- cation. Be fruit_full in all your 'ftifferings : As fpices, the more bruifed, the more fragrant, referable the fire in Z\ytt2pht' , which, if we give credit to Plinv,imbribus fit ardentior : let all your fufferings,be as Schoolmaffers teaching, tires purging, trumpets awakening, fpurres quickning , winds 'driving neerer to God ; come, forth of the Furnace of afi &ion, as gold zach.r©.9: ,