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to work,ir is not love. Love makes the yoke of God eafie, and his work delightfull;it is only want oflove that makes the commandement a burtheti : Tanto magic deleEfat opus bonum,quanto magis diligitur Deusfummum & incornmuta- bile boaurn, faith Augu,itìne : A good worke fo much the more delighteth, by how much the more God the chiefeft aid unchangeable good is loved. Love among force of rheAncients was refembled ro,and reprefented by the Sun : the Sun inlightens the world; the more love the more light. Knowledg and love,like the wa- ter and the ice,beger each other ; man lovesGod by know- ing, and knows God by loving. God dwels in love, and where God is there is light : that mans light is dirk ei% which is not attended with the love of God and his refli- monies : the Sun makes the earth fertile; he that lovesGod cannot be barren, his love makes him fruitfulI in all wel- doing : the Sun is fwifc and confiant in his morion ; love makes man cheerfull,fpeedv,and unwearied in running the race whichGod hath fet before him :the Sun is impaffible, love is patient and invincible,it eudureth all things;noftiods can drown it,no waters can quench it. Want of love and af- feaion is the maine caule of mans apoftacy and back-flid- ing : the Sun cafleth his beanies upward and downward, tu the Ea It and to the Weft, to the North and ro the; South ; Ghriflian love caufeth its beams to afcend to God' above, and to defcend to man beneath to our friends on the right hand, to our enemies on the left hand ; to them that are in the late of grace before us, to them that are in the late of corruption behinde us : love which is not in this 'fente univerfall,is corrupt and carnal]. The Sun beginning to afcend in his circle, never goes back until he comes to the higheft degree thereof: true love abhors apoflacv, of cends to more perfe6tion,and ceafeth not until,like £liahs A fiery