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6 IoCh Io ua hn 3. ;3. te. Senfe of difiréfie fweeten.r Chriff. fill the bottle with longings after the fruition of his favours. When the Cibeonites werebefieged with ther?moriti(h Princes, they fent to Jofhua, faying, Slack not thine hand from tbyfe:r- vants, come up to us quickly, and Pave us, and help us : When our foules are befeged with an Army of troubles, toffed upon the tempe& of manifold afíli &ions, when no Captaine can fight for us, no Anchor can flay us, no Friend can comfort us, no Shield and Buckler defend us, no Phyfitian heale us ; then we long for Chrifts gracious prefence, then we make earneft fuit for his powerful! affifance, then wefay, Come Lord 1efus. Thefe words are almoll the WI words of the whole Word of God, the laft words (as I have heard) tittered by this de- ceded party, which gave me occafion at this time (being the la& office we are to performe towards him) to treat of them, to commend them to your confideration, the better to pre- pare you all for your la& reckoning, to fit you for the day of your diffolution, to perfwade and move you to labour for fuch faith, fuch love, fuch repentance, fuch competency of all Paving graces, that at the honre of your departure out of this earthly pilgrimage, you may be able, as friends and fer- vants, as the Spoufe and Bride, as Sonnes andDaughters of God and Chritl Jefus, to fay, Come Lord Jefus. The words are a holy and fervent with and defire, vote and prayer of John the Evangelif}-, in his owne, and in the name of all the fraithfull, for the ípeedy, gracious and glo- rious comming of the Lord Jefus. John the Evangelift was Chritts beloved Difciple, one who in the dayes of his firth had repofed himfelfe in Chrills bofome, and here delires Chritts comming,. By how much the neerer communion we have now with Ch rift by grace and holinetfe,by fo much the more his fecond comming is defired by us : Grace and holineffe ef}ates us hi the condition of tonnes an aughters to God the Father ; in the condition ofBride angitSpoufe to Chrif Jefus, intitle us to all Gods promifes, fweeten all Gods teflimonies, make all Gods Ordinances the favour of life to life unto us, fettle us -in the fen fe of Gods loving kindueffe; in the afI-iirance of the forgivenefe of all our fins and