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Ghriit,r comingsjóyow to the righteom. 37 and offences, and fo make the fecond coming of (Aria moll defirous. Want of holineffe deprives the foules of men of all the fweet -and heavenly comforts arüing from the fecond coming of Chrift Jefus. The unfan&ified man that (ayes, Come Lord Jefus,prayes God to haften his eternall vengeance: he that without grace prayes for Chrifls coming, beggs hï owne fpeedy and finali deftru&ion. Labour therefore in th . ,dayes of your life for holinefíe, that you may with comfort in the houre of your death, fay, Come Lord Jetuc. John the E vangelift had Peen, in a vifion, the Churches of li &ion, the adverfaries infultation, the future felicity prepared for th( one, and the future calamity provided for the oth r, and, Chrift made glorious in both : and therefore he prayes,Come Lord 7ejìu. No man rightly defires Chrifts coming, but he that hath aflurance of the good and benefit of his coming : To them the day of Chrift is as the day of harveft to the huf bandman, as the day of deliverance to the prifoner, as the day of coronation to the King, as the day of wedlocke to the Bride; a day of triumph and exaltation, a day of free- dome and confolation, a day of refi and fatisfa &ion ; to them the Lord Jefus is all fweetneffe, as wine to the palate,anú' ©yntment to the not rill, faith Solomon..Hony in the mouth (faith Bernard) mutiche in the Bare, and a jubilee in the heart. Get affii- rance of Chrifis coming as a Ranfomer to redeem yotì, as a Conquerour to fubdue all your enemies under you, as a Friend to comfort you, as a King to honour you, as a Phr- fician to heale you, as a Bridegroome to marry you ; and t hen (hall you with confidence and boldne(fe, with joy and .gladneífe, with vehement and holy longings, fay, Come Lo!, Jet us. In the words there is Motus & Movens : firil,a Motion ; and fecondly a Mover ; the motion, Come ; the mover, the Lote 7eù5. Firti of the Motion, wherein is the Moduf, the man - ner of uttering there words, by way of vote, with and fitp- plication ; and the Genus, or kinde of motion, Come. The Evangelicdetireth (Thrift to come : Ch rift, as God, is eve- ry where, and in refpe& of hisE(fence doth neither goe nor come, his divine EL.ence being free from all motion and iiIIIIMMEMEminsmismamb.. T notation : Note. met in ore me- 'os in aure, iu- :ilus is cot de.