144 I Mans mi fcry the endearing of C hrifi to the foule. Sain.t4 4. . Ii fus : he is the defire of the foules.of all Beleevers, to him we mull goe, to him we mutt feeke, on him we muff call. When diffrefie cometh, when fickneífe vifiteth,: when death approacheth ; then we fhall be conftrained,to cry,Come Lord Jef us ; then, as the woman of i okoab, in a pretended di- ftreífe, came to David, and cried, Help, 0 King : fo (hall we, in, the reali diftreffe of our foules, be confirained to cry, Help, 0 Cbrift. When we (hall fee Satan calling all his fiery darts at us, feting with all his forces,like an armed man,up. on ; bringing all our inns, like a fubtile accufer, againft us ; when we fhall apprehend- death, as a Serjeant; arrefting, hurrying and drawing us before the .Lords tribunali , and fhall fee the armes of all earthly helpers broken, the lamp of all worldlylights put out,and the tongues of all our friends according to the fleth, made dumb and filent : ,then our foules will be put upon Chrift, and there will be no reme- dy, we muff fay, Come Lord Jefus. And therefore this fhould make,Chrift very precious in our eyes now ; this lhould in. dame our hearts with fingular and fervent love unto him for the prefent, getting.intereft ,in him above all things, and making him our chiefeft and choyceft, our deare and onely friend : This fhould fo fweeten unto us the Lord Jeff's, that we fhould fay with Bernard, fetus it fro. in voyce, fweet in face, fweet.in name; for the name Jefus is fweet,being con; ecrated from eternity, publifbed by the Angel, and prophefierl by the Oracle. of Solomon, who faith, 7iy name is an oyntment powred forth. W e fhould fo felea him, -fo admire him, fo adhere unto him, fo let our hearts upon him, that we Mould fay with the Pfal- miff, Whom have ¡ in heaven but thee ? and there is none upon earth that I defire be fides thee : So glorious, fo precious, fo infinite- ly tranfcendant, let him be in our thoughts, in our judge- ments, in our efimation and affeaions,that we love and af- t-al him, exalt and prefer him as the King above ail com- manders, as the Sunne above all lights, as the fpring above all cifternes, as the pearle abo-ve all treafure, -and as the huf- hand of our foules above all friends; as a Paradice of all pleafures, a haven of refl., from all tempefts, and the rep fuge of our fouies in all troubles : Let cur with be fuch, in hint, Jetus dulcis in voce, dulcis in facie, dulcis in nowne ; dulce cnim nomen & faave Jefus, confec¡atum ab fetcrno,anni.ci- at u n ab4ngelo p oph etatum Solomonis ora- ciao, qui ait, O l: uni elutoni nomen tuum. Pfal.73.2 .