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rl be i:pigt'le Dedicatory. in a thoufand dayes loofe converfing with men. Did me know the peace,joy,fweetneffe, boldne fe, honour and tri- umph of holy walking, they would inffautly and for ever abandon all diffolute living : heaven is the paraelice of all joyes he that in his holy walking commeth neereft unto heavetbis doubrleífe of all men the molt joyful!. O fay nor then, as a maxi of r,obleblood and acurewir, but prophane life, fomerime did,when being demanded what he thought of the avftere life of the godly,& licentious lif of the wick - ed,anfwerd,Cum i ftis mallem vivere,cum illis mori mallem; I had rather live with the latter, I had rather dye with the former.But as you defire to dye the death of the rightcou, fo be very folicitous and ítudious, very vigilant and indu- ffrious to live the life of the righteous : Never promife your felves a bleffed death without a holy life. Laftly,be fledfafl in adhering to the truth : be not like children carried ro and fro with every vaine perfwafion nor like Chips without anchor,roffed up and down with the winde of every empty doórin But be conftanr in follow - in the truth,as the VVifemen did the Star,urrtill you come home to Chrift ; and as the Ifraelites did the fiery Pillar, utnill you come to the heavenly Canaan. Buy the truth (faith Solomon) and fell it not .3 you can never over -buy it whatfoever you give for it you can never fell it,if you have all the world in exchange for ir. It is laid ofl Ceefar, Major fuit cura Ccefari lilellorum quam purpurx;Hel had greater care of his books then of his royall robes ; for fwiming through the waters to ¿cape his enemies, he car- ried his books in his hand above the waters, but loft his robe. What are CRfars books ro Gods booke, and his learning tsa Gods truth; morethen a glow -worme ro th . Sur ? B.! you therefore more careful! of the GoÇpel then of any earthlypoffeffio:a : though you be driver into the A Z deep