Saint .Paula Legacy.. = 5 3 mitigating all the feverity and bitternetfe c:hich he feerned to ufe towards them ; concluding and (hutting up all in a holy, fweet,and gracious exoptation,or with ofalI perfe &i on, confolation, peace, concord , and communion with God unto them ; Finally, brethren, farewell : Be perfect, be of good comfort, -c. The Lord who giveth fome 4poffles, folic Prophets, fame E. pheíb4,ro. vangeliffs, fome Paffors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints, for the worke of the Miniftery, for the edifying of the body of Chrift The Lord who gives his people Paftors according to his owne heart, j:r.3.r r. to feed them with knowledge and underffanding, bath, in the court of his gracious providence, made me for more than fifteen yeers, an under- overfeer of your foules ? wherein, as his weake and fraile, feeble and unworthy inhument, I have been the Lords and your.fervant, endevouring (though nei- ther with fuch diligence and- indut}ry as I ihonld, nor with that bleífed and plentifull fücceffe which I defire and with) to open Gods counfell,.to propofe and let forth Chrit} be- fore your eyes, to make him glorious in your apprehenilon, to humble your foules, to convert your hearts, to draw you, by faith and love, to Chrift,the compleat and onely Author of your everlalling welfare. And now, as Saint Paul Paid fometimes to the men of,Ephefus,Behold,Ikknow that ye al,among Ads e Lr whom I have here flood preaching the Kingdome of God, Pall (after this day in all likelihood) behold my face in this place no more; be- ing now to you as a dying man, whole laIt breath is going forth ; as a ftarre feting and riling no more in this horizon; as a lamp going out and.fhining -no more in this your houle of facred meeting : As a man dying, and loth to dye,I íhal, in the ardency of my love, and great anguifh of my fpirit,in the words and with of S. Paul, take my laíf leave and vale - di &ion; Finally, brethren, farewell : Be perfelf, be of good com- fort, be of one minde, live,iu peace, and the God of love and peace be with you. In which words we may take notice ; Finn, of a particle a. ofconclufion, Finally. Secondly, of a title ofcompellation, 2. Brethren. Thirdly, of a terme of valedi&ion and farewell, 3. Farewell. Fourthly, of a vote, Of exoptation pr wifhing, 4. X Be: