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I54 . 1 Gen 45.22. ludg.i81.7 E Sana..2 ... Dcnigue, pod feep2re fi. Dar. Saint Pauls Levey Be Ter fea, be of good comfort, be of one minde, live in peace ; and the God of love and peace be with you. Wherein Saint Paul like a.Teftator, or Parent, that makes his laít Will and Tefta- ment, bequeatheth thefe five gifts, as five Legaelts, to the. Corinthians his children in Chrift, which are like the five changes of rament which Jofepbgave to Benjamin, for the fpiritu all warmth and ornament which they miniftred to the fouls of Gods children : like the five men which brought good tidings to their brethren, incouraging them to arije and enter into the land, for the comfortable newes which they bring to the foules of men, encouragingthem to enter into Gods fervice, to let theft feet into the wayes ofpeace and holineffe : like the five loaves of bread which David asked of 'thePrief, for the nourifh. ment, refe(ion, and- ftrength which they minifter to the foules of Gods fervants ; and thefe I (hall, being now as a dying man to you,bequeath unto you as a Legacy of choy- ceft worth to adorn you, of greateít ftrength to fupport you, of beft nourifhment to feed you, of fweeteft peace to folace you. Finall }, brethren, farewell : Be perfe1; &c. The branches growing on this tree,are many; the ftreams ifiruing from this fountaine, are divars : and having but one day to gather the fruit here growing, to draw the waters hence arifing, I ¡hall but briefly touch, and give you a tafle of each of them ; and firf} of the particle of conclufion, Fi- nally, laftly, or as touching that which remaineth, that is,af- ter that I have done mine office, and have inftru&ed you by the word, threatned you by the judgements, and in treated - you by the mercies of God, and have ufed all ineanes to move you to repentance, and to draw you to Chrift ; Finally, or what remaineth more to be done now; but that you doe your duty, that you beleeve, repent, reforme, be peafe &,and draw home to Chrift with all your foule and might. This Is that which now remaineth,which is now on your baulk expected : And henceyou fee, That the Miniffers long and frequent preaching muff be attended tïrith much per feeiion in the people : After the Mïrifters long and fre- quent inflruaion, faith, repentance, and true converfron muff [hew it felfe forth in the people. When the Minifter hath done his duty towards