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Sale Paub Legacy. t55 towards men, men mutt doe their duty towards God. The rockegufhed out water after Mofes ftriking it. After the Pried le - Exod.te. ven times cosnpafjing the wall of Jericho, and blowing of their Rant, bornes, the wall fell unto the ground. After the Prophets Bread 1°11'6'2°' ing himfelfe upon the woman of Shunems childe, the flefh of the chill, a Kin q.34. waxed warme, be nee fed and opened his eyes : After the Mini fters often fmiting our hearts with the hammer ofthe word, often founding of the trumpet of the Got-pen in our Bares, and right dividing and applying of the Word unto our hearts, our ftony hearts fhould be foftned, and fend forth the waters of godly furrow; the [trong and mighty holds of (inne fhould be cart downe, our foules enlivened,the eyes of our underftandingsT nioft clearly and ravingly opened After the (hitting of the Sunne, the ayre is inlightned ; after the diftilling of the dew, and plentifsll influence ofthe hea- vens, the earth fru&iñeth ; after the long fhining ofthe light of the Gofpell, and frequent diiiilIing and dropping down' of the dew of heavenly do&rine,mens underftandings fhould' be filled with knowledge, as the ayre with light, their lives replenilhed with all fpirituall and heavenly fruit. This the Lord expe&eth, What could have beene done more to nay Vineyard , Ira. f.,4.' (faith the Lord) that I bave not done in it,in regard of the exter -' gall meanes ; wherefore I looked that it fhould bring forth grapes ; that like a Vineyard long and well dreffed, it fhould bring forth good grapes of knowledge, faith, repentance, and the like : this is the ,property of Gods children, as good ground receiving good feed, they brine forth much fruit : as liv Mat., ing and healthy children fucking their mothers breafts, they grow by the fincere milke of the word of God : This fruit t Pec.z.Z. hath followed the labours of Gods Minifters. Saint Pe- ter teflified and exhorted, and his word was gladly received, and AftsD.42,. about thee thoujand foules were added to the Church. Saint Path. A&s 8 Preached, and as many as were ordained unto life, beleeved. The 3'4 Apoftle preached at Ephef ire, and many beleeved, came ani Ag) 19 .aO. confef f ed, and fhewed forth their deeds : fo mightily grew the word of God, and prevailed. Jofuab fought, Mofes prayed, and Ifrael Excd.17.,II prevailed over Am ;leek! When the Miniíter preacheth and prayeth, Gods Ifrael must revaile over Satan and their X 2 corrup-