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i 5 8 4. x Thef.a.r. Ira. 57.19. Vfe. Z 111ngs 2.19. 1 Kin. 1 E. t 6. Ifa.6S.z. ICa.s 3.I. Izr.f.r. Saint Pauls Legacy. In regard of peace and confolation to their owne foules. The good effe &s of Phyfick make the Patient joyfirll : the fru&ificatìon of the. Word in the heart of man, makes the foule of man comfortable. When the Gofpell cometh not in i word only, but in power alto, in power converting and changing the heart of man, working and peddling grace in the inward m, an ; then the foule of man is filled with joy in the holy Ghoft,then theWord is the joy and rejoycing of the heart : then the fruit of the lippe is peace;fpirituall,inward,' univerfall,plentifull and perpetual! peace ; peace with God, peace with man, peace with the confcience ; a Paradife of ' heavenly comforts, a River of peace, which no underftand- ing can fathome : And therefore it mutt be the care of men to fee that they grow to much fpirituall perte&ion after the Minifters long and frequent preaching. This therefore reproveth filch as after the long and fre- quent preaching of the Gofpel,continue barren and unfruit- tu'l, like.thegrounds about Jericho, which were not made fertile, but rather barren, by the waters which did flow upon them; to whom the waters drawne out of the Wells of falvation, are as waters poured upon the Rock, which bringeth forth no fruit ; from whom the founding of the trumpet of the Gofpel, and the confiant cry of Gods Watchmen, like the call and cry of Baals worfbippers from the morning to the evening upon Baal, hath no voyce nor anfwer of faith in Gods promifes, of obedience to -Gods precepts, nor of godly forrow for mens tranfgreflions,miniftring matter of complaint to God, provoking the fire of Gods indignation againft their foules, I have frread out my hands all the day long, (faith the Lord) unto a rebellious people, whichwalkZeth in a way that is not good, after their thoughts, a people that provoked) me to anger continually to my face ; minifiring caufe of great complaint to Gods Meffengers, caufing them to fay with the Prophet Efay, Wbo bath be- leeved our report, and to whom bath the anne of the Lord been reveal- ed ? To mourne and with with Jeremy 0 that my bead were waters, and mine eyes a Fountaine of teares, that I might weep day and night for the flame of the daughter of my people ! O that I had in the Willerne fe a lodging of way fairing men, that I might leave my feople