6 2 Saint Pauls Legacy.. Ifa. i 6. i i. ; Ifaiahs bowels found like a Harp for Moab. Paul bad continual! Rom.9.2. forrow for-the Imes, be was pained a a woman in travel' for the Ga1.4 19. Cor.s.4. Galatians, anri out of muc.5 affliction and anguifb of heart be wrote with many teares to the Corinthians, that they might kuow the love which he had more abundantly unto then,. You may in the teares and forrowfs of Gods Minihers for the peoples difobedi- ence, read their love as in lively chara&ers : the greatneffe of the Minihers griefe for the peoples mifery, argues the firength of their defire to make them happy. 3, Upon their fufferings for their hearers, they fuffer re- 2. Cor.4.9. proach in their names, being made 'a fjie(tacle to Men antlAn- gels : they fuller. Joffe ofgoods, loffe'of peace, loífe of fiber- Mt! :o.24. ty, and loffe of life,that they may be faitbfull in their calling, frni fl.: the courfe of their Mini fterÿ, and fave the foules commit t d to them. The fufferings of faithfull Minihers are a deer and lively evidence of their love to their hearers. Góds Minifers doe of tenfuflaine great temporalldoffes-for other mens everlafting gaine and advantage. 7lfe. And whereunto fhali this love of Gods Minihers move Ind work our hearts, but to frequent and diligent attend - lnce on their labours;as we cheerfully hearken to their voice who love us ; as children come cheerfully to the banquet which their Parents provide for them. 2 To humble fubmiffion and obedience to their doarines; Peeing they doe all in fingular love for the falvation of our foules ; thefe we fhould follow, asl rael the fiery Pillar; thefe z Sam, z 8. we fhould readily put in pra&ice, as ran a f oon as Jo- ab gave him a Commigion. The love of Gods Milliners fhould work the hearers to a ready and- fngular obfervance of their do&rines. 3 This fhould breed in us reverence to their perforas, as obedient children to their loving Parents, receiving and ho. i The.. 2. i3. nouring their doftrines, as the Word of Gout, and not of man. Men mull make their reverence proportionable to the _love and labour of Gods Meffengers ; the more they endeavour our falvation, the more honourably' we fhould think of them. q, This íhouldmake us unwilling to be deprived of them, as