libfolute fislnefe rn (,`hrlit alone. 3 iicke, wherein is no venue to heale the breaches of the foul, and to cure the wounds of the Confcience : Having diffwa. ded from this by an argument drawne from the vanity, ernp- tineffe, idltnefle,unprúfitablenefie and deceitfulnefle of filch doctrines and observations, he here perfwadts by another argument drawn from the perfeeiion and fulneffe ofChritt : In ( hriit is the height of all perfection, filch perfeétion that no more can be added to him ; in him meets the fulneffe of all perfe!tions ; as of beames in one Sun, and lines in one Center, and Rivers in one Ocean. WhatCoever fulneffe or perfe &ion can be mentioned, defired, imagined, it is to b found in him : It is abfiird to run to a rotten Cifterne for water, having by us a full and living Fountaine ; to goe tó a Glow -worme for light, having the Sun to guide us : It is a great folly to have recourfe to humane traditions, Philo- fophicall doctrines, vaine and empty ceremonies, having Chrift, in whom dwelleth the fitlneffe of the God -head bo- dily, and in whom we are compleat. In the words we have a double plenitude or fulnefe : The A doubt: rut- ;;. of Chrift, ver. 9. The fecond ofhis Members, ver. To. The nef firft is originali, abfolute, independent : The fecond, com- mt'ncated, derivative and borrowed. The firf} is the Foun- tane ; the fecond the Screame : The firft the root ; the fecond the Branch : The fielt is of the Head, the fecond is of the Members : The firft is like the fulneffe of the Sun, the fecond is like the fulueffe of the Stars : The firft like the fiilneffe of a King, the fecond like the fulneffe of a Subje& :The for- mer like the fulneffe of the Lord and Mafier of the houfe,the latter like the fulneffe of a Servant in the.hoúfe : For in Chrift 4welletb all the fulnefe of the God -head bodily, and wea re compleat in him who is bead of all principality and power. Fiel, of the former of there, the plenitude and fulneffe of AnaIygs: Chrift ; for in him dweßeth the fulnefe of the God -lead bodily. In the words we have, Fief}, a terme or note of coherence; For,, t which is a particle redditive,rendreng the reafon of the fore -, Terminus cart. going fentence, Beware leafs any mm ffioikjeu through Philofophy nexiortis, andvainc deceit : Be not a fcholler in their fchool,nn derftand not, beleeve not, adore not after their Marines, there is no 13 2 need