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1 2 J' ' Grounds o f not. leasring Chr j.. C velty : Men naturally defirenew things ; as they defìre new fafhions of apparell for their bodies,, fo new do &tines for their foules. The eye is little affe&ed with the Sun, becaufe it thineth every day ; it much admires. a blazing ftar, becaufe but feldome feene : Things of greateft worth, becaufe com- mon, are little efteerned ; vaine and empty things, becaufe new, are much regarded.. Saint. Paul tels. Timothy that the n z Tim. 4.3 .. ; ivì ' trial come mien mct'n will not v endure round doeirine, but after their owne has they bear unto them;elves 7eat-,ers, having iácJ- i. g Bares. Men having the itch, delight in fcraping ; men overfpread with the loathfome fcab of uncleane lulls, delire to_be fouthed,daubed,flatter'd in their fins,and to have their ears tickled & pleafcd wth fame new and ftrange things,with o Ifa. 3010. o fmootb things -and deceits, with the P enticing words of mens P I Cor. z.3. wifdeme : The Ifraelites a loathed Manna, and luftea ofter the.Onyons 4 N3'6.r 1.S of Egypt. Men ofcorrupt hearts, after a while,loath the pure and plaine preaching of Chi if, and fall a hitting after Phi- lofophiCall,, frìperflitious and vaine do &rines : No man fo defires change of new and : ftrange doctrines,, as he that meanes not to change his converfation : were the hearts of men truly changed; the true and common dó&cine.of Chrit would be very pleafant, the foule would' never grow weary. 4, -of it. Fourthly, from their eftrangernent from Chrif }, they lifcerne not Chrifis beauties, they tafle not Chrifis fweet- nefle, they feele not.Chrifts goodnefie ; there is no fiitable- 4. fre between Chris and their hearts; they have not r learn -_. r Eph.4.2,1. ú Chrift as the mob is in him ; they have not learned the wil- tome of Christ to be guided by him, the authority of Chrift -,..o fube& themfelves unto him, the beauties of Chriti to ad- -nice him, the love of Christ to delight_themfelves in. him, she death of Chrift to mortifie their lulls, the refcirre &iOn of Chrift quickning them to a new life, the power of Ch rift to !Tend' upon him, the holineffe of Chrit to imitate hirv,the xl- iuficiency of Chrift to content themfelves with him. '.shrill is to them a s bidden Manna whom they tafle not: a Rev. -.17 they feet nothing in bim for which they fbould defire bim. It is re- t )ra. s3. z. corded of Ageftlaus, comming to help -the King of E ivr in his. .iiitreffe; that, Ob corpus incultum, .& veftís vilitatem venit in con - t +r -Punt