Grounds of not leaving Chr. 3 _...._. temptum ejuu gentir bominibus, qui #erarunt f e vifures Spartanum regem talem., qualir effet rex Perfarum, cory'ore deter, tiffimb ornatum: for the unhandfo`mnefíe of his body, and bafeneffe of his garment, he was had in contempt among the men of that Nation ; who hoped to have feen a Spartan King, filch as the King of the Perfians, naoff comely adorned in his body : Ch rift comming to help us in our diilreffe,, for the want of externall pomp in his Ordinances, and'worldly-glory in his Miniiiers and Members, and the fplendor of humane elo- quence in his do&rines is defpifed by the men, who frame and forme unto themfelves a Chrift like to one of the migh- ty Monarchs of the earth.He that dilcernes not the fpirituall beauty of Christ in his doEtrine,doth eafily degenerate to hu mane fuperftition. Fiftly, from the difagreement between them and Chriíts do &rine:There is no proportion,.no like neffe, no anfwerableneffe between their hearts and this do- &rine ; they are darkneffe, and this is light ; they are carnali and this is fpirituall ; they are from beneath,and this is from above ; their wayes are contrary to it,their hearts are full of enmity againft it, they hate it as v4 ab hated Micaiah, becau he never prophefied good to him. Such is the brighttneffe, the ho- lineífe,.the power of it, that they cannot endure it ; they are loath to be fearched,, to have their fin difcovered, as Babel when íhe fate upon her Idol, unwilling, to be reproved; to have their lufts mortified, as David was to have Ah olom-pu tow death, and therrore charged. the Captaines of his Army toidealc gently with theyouug man.. The rough h .ndling of prophane mens vices, makes them weary of Gods Ordinances, and moves them to feeke out fome more gentle ,and eafie do &tines: But,.Brethren, as Solomon fömetime of Laughter,- It is, mad :and of Mirth,Wbat kotb it ? fo letme fay to you of this rotten,. deceitfull and pleafant du&rine, It is mad, the wórds'ijin j. dome and ['obeli-wife are not in it ; and of all htni e obier. vatiònsand Philofophicall di&ates in the Seosietf Chrill Whit doe they ? Why Purely they due.)! net di cover. in:; they Cearch as La',an did, not as the Mailer in- Jonah did ;_they are .but a key of ftraw, they open not the door of the heart, they L 3 leáve cs x áings zZ. 8. w zSam.l8.3 The_vanicy of .urnain do- rine dif- played, I. Ifa.'8.2o.