o Ali heavenly fiilneffe in Cbrffi. CHAP. IV. Stang f ortb the beauty of all divine and heavenly ful wee in Clore. . Subiegum. fecond thing in thefe words is the Subje&t, in which l all fülneffè dwelleth ; and that is, in him ; in Chrift, in the perfon of Chrift, as God and man in one perfón, in the gumane nature affumed into the unity of the fecond perfon k Tn torpore in the body of Chrift, as in a Temple, faith Auguftine : Cor- cb i fti celi in pros Chrifti verb eft Templum, in ipfa enim voluit babitare corpo- Templo. raliter rota plenitudo deitatis, faith Cyrill. The body of Chrift is truly a Temple,for in it would all the fulneffe ofthe God- head dwell bodily. From whence we learne that Dear. All divine and heavenly fulneffe is to be found in Chrifi Defies : all the fulneffe of the Land of Egipt was to be found with 7ofeph: All the fulneffe ofGod,of grace, of peace, of glory, is found I Có1.1.19. with Chrift : Ir ; pleafed eGod(faith Saint Paul) that in him fbould all fulnefe dwell.: the fulneffe of wifdome, righteoufneffe, ho- linefse, and of all good things have their abode and dwel- ling in Chrift; in him they are found in their compleat per. Eph, x..a3. fe &ion, and Chrift is faid to m fill all in all. The Sun filleth all. the Stars with light, the Sea filleth all the Rivers with waters ; Chrift filleth all the - creatures with a naturali ful- neffe, Chrift filleth all the children of God with a fpirituall and heavenly fulneffe, and of his fulnefse they are laid to n. Iohn 1.16. n receive, as ftreames from the Fountaine, branches from the root, and members from the head, Grace for Grace; the grace of the New Teftament for the grace of the Old, permanent for fhadowifh grace, or rather grace upon grace, one grace ofthe Spirit after another, the Spirit of Chrift daily pour- ing a new encreafe of grace upon us. Such is Chrifis ful- nefse, that he more and more filleth the 'fouls of his fer- wants ; and this fulnefse of Chrift is fometimes exprefsed by likening Chrill to a Store -houle, wherein is all treafure, in o p Rev s i.,. ° whom are hidden all the treafures of wi fdome ; to a P Tree, on 7 Rev, i9.16, which growes all variety and fulnefse of fruit ; to a q King, for