;Folly B ffrek,ing fulnejli in humain inventions 2 9` fion thefe are like men running from theSun,& feeking light in a Glow- worme; like the Prodigall that a ran from his Fathers houle where was all fulneffe of bread, and fought his meat among the Swine ; to whom I may fay, as fome- times the Angel did to thewoman, b Why Peek ye the living among the dead ? So why leek ye life, falvation, fpirituall ful- neffe, among dead, vaine and empty ceremonies ? the difea- fed woman c fought in vaine for health, among the Phyfiti- ans untill fhe carne to Chrift ; and man leeks in vaine for fulneffe untill he comes to the Lord ]efus : Therefore is Pe- ter fometime laid to (Thrift, Lord, d whither fhall we goe T those haft the words of eternal/ life : So, Brethren, let me fay to you ; Brethren, whither will ye goe ? on what rock will you build ? what guide will you follow ? what friend will you choolè ? what trealure will you leek ? Chrift and none elfe hath the Fountaine of all fulneffe : O therefore leave all and come unto him, that he may fill you with his grace firft, and with his glory Taft. a Luke lr. b Luke 24. S. Mark s, d Iohn 6.63. CHAP. VI. Dircovering the folly of not comming fully home to Ciwift, ire whom is all fulneffe, PH I S layeth open the folly of filch as (land aloofe off from Chrift, continue ftrangers, and cone not fully home to Chrift, in whom all fulneffe is to be found, and by whom the Lord hath ordAined to minifler all fulneffe to the foules of men, and without whom there is an utter empti- /reffe of grace in them : yet as fometi:ne Jephtba his brethren e rejected him, though the Lord had appointed no other to deliver them ; in like fort many refufe Chrift, keep a great diftance from Chrift ; they will not corne unto him, receive him, lay hold on him, though the Lord hath appointed no other helper, no other deliverer, given no other name iwhereb} f they may be Javed. It is ufuall with men to put the loweft price on that which God hath ordained to be the meanes of E 3 their e Iudges 21.2 ,f Afts g.1 z