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36 _.- What man is not coming to Chriff. s Mat.ii.2,7. not to Chrift, hath no good knowledge : for n ornan s knower the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveale'him. Without the knowledge of God and ChriftJefus mans grec- tell knowledge is but ignorance ; 5. A`.bond -man, as Peser till the Angel came and fmote off his fetters. Spirituall fiee- Joh.s 36 dome comes to Gods cheldren onely t by Chrift; none brings the foule a difcharge from fauns bondage, befides the Lord 6. Jefus ; 6. A tick man, an uncleane and a loathfome man : t z King . Naaman continued leprous untill he came to Jordan ; the wo- Mar 5. man difeafed of the bloody iffue had her flux of blood run. u Joh. t.7. ning on her until! the came to Chrift : None but Chrift Je- fus purgeth the leprofie of fin, and the flux of ungodlneffe from the foule of man'; if we come not to him., we continue 7. uncleane ; 7. A poore man, not one dram of fpirituall riches in his foule, not one rag of righteoufneffe ro cover him. The w Ifa.zo. 4.; wAffyrian led away the Egyptians nand and barefoot ; without x Rev.3a7. Chrift the Prince of darkneffe leads man captive,x poore, blind, 8. naked, mijerableand wretched ; 8. -A bate man, a dishonourable man ; bafe for his birth, being of the Devil' ; bafe for his condition, the flave and fervant of a thou-land lulls and va- nities ; bafe for his quality, groveling like a Swine upon the earth, delighting himfelfin nothing, but, like a bafe worm, in the fume and mud of the world ; bafe in the whole way and work he undertakes, having bafe thoughts, bafe purpo- -'fes, and bale intendments. Very great is mans bafeneffe without the Lord Jefus, who is the onely crowne and glory 9 of man ; 9. A perplexed man, a ftranger to all fpirituall and y Pfa.42.2. heavenly peace : The foule without Chrift is like a Y chafed Hart without the water brooks. The Dove found no reif for G en.8. the fole-of her foot, until! thee returned to the z Ark : the foule never -meets with true reff until! it come to Chrift ;but, d Mat.S.:6: As theDifciples in the Ship were tolled with the forme, and had no a reft until! they came to Chrift, cried to Chrift, and Chrift awakened, and rebuked the winds and waves, and made the Seas calme; thus the foules of men are as a toffed fea, until! Chrift (peaks. peace unto them : he is the Prince of b Ifa.9.O. b Peace, and peace is a priviledge belonging to the Subje &s'of c Epbe. 2.14. his Kingdome, and he is Riled c our peace; by way of Decla- ration