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{ =.11.1.... How Chr0 is to be 'valued. band in her love above other perfons ; the rich man his jew- r z Sam.t. ell above other fubftance,: let us love him as r Jonathan lov- ed David, with a love furpaf ingxhe love of women ; as J.4.. cob loved Racbel,with love making us cheerfull in ferving,pa. tient in fuffering for him : he alone is the friend of Chrift 4. Jefus, that loves him above himfelfe & all .--creatures.Fourth- In our truft. ly, Hiin let us our truft, as the Builder doth the roçke above . all other foundations, as the chickens doe the wings .of.he Hen above all other places of refuge ; tto him let us addreffe our felues, as they who were in difirefe, f s a Saa+.z.iz debt, in difcantent, did fometimes addreaè themfelves to Da- vid : Him let us make our Captain t® fight for us,our Shep- heard to defend us, our Rocke to fupport us, our Shield to t Pfa.62:5. cover us : let us wait on him r folely, and on no other ; on him let us truft fully, with all our heart, with all our foule ; let us reft, on whole Chrift, on his power to .fuftaine us, on his wifdome to guide us, on his merit to juftifie and procure all good things for us,on his mercy to forgive us,on his love to folace us,on his fulneffe to fatisfie us : on him let us truft conftantly in our profperity, as being the ftrength of all our fulneffe; in our adverfity, as being al- futficient in the ab- fence of all helpers : On him let us flay when we are in darknefre u Ifa.So.zos " and have no light, in fickneffe and have no health, in heavi- neffe and have no joy, in defertion and have no friend, in want and have no fupply, Mans firme dependance upon Chrift in all conditions, in all changes, argues the truth and ftrength of mans confidence. Fiftly, him let us prefer in our. In oar fear. feare above all Commanders, as the Subje& his Soveraigne above all Beggars, as the Servant his Matter above his fel- low-fervants. As his authority is higheft to command, his power greatef }.to prote&, and his goodnefie fulleft to re- compence; Co let him have preheminence in our obedience w Gen37.9 and fervice. As the Sun, Moon and eleven Stars in Jofepbs vifion, did obey fence unto him ; fo let all the faculties of our foules, all the members of our bodies, all our ten:porall3na- 6. turall, morali and fpirituall abilities doe olmyfance unto In our joy. Chrift, be made fubje& and ferviceable unto him, Sixtly, Pfa.z 37. Him let us prefer in our joy ; as David preferred ' er:i Clem above his