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Mans necepze of Chrift. The life of *he foule is hid in Chrift,as the life ofthe branch in the root. Gehazi q with E&fbal.'s ftaffe without Elifba him - felfe, could not reflore the woman of Shunems child to life : the Minifler, with the Word of Chrift without Chrift con - curring and working with him, cannot quicken the foule that is dead in finne : all the inftruments and means of grace leave the four full graceleffe, unleffe Chrift, the author and fountaine of grace, joyne his bleífing to their endeavours : r The Son quickneth whom be will ; be that eats s not the fief!) of the Son of man,and drinks his bload,he that comes not unto,that be- leevs not in Chrift crucified,hath no life in hi n;no life of God, no life of grace here,no life of glory hereafter.The life of nì without faith in Chrif'r,is as no life,but a very death ; man is dangeroufly difeafed, no Palme can heals him, no Phyfician can cure hint. The art and labour of alI Phyfitians about the difeafed woman in the Gofpell, were fruitleffe, until] the came to thrift :le*. The Poole at Betbefda cured no man unleffe the Angel moved in it : the Ordinance of God cures not, unleffe Chrif move in it, work together with it ; he alone is the Sun of righteoufneffe, that b :th healing in his wings, curing the wounds which are given by fin and fatan. Man is poffeffed by an uncleane fpirit, and none but Chrift can eje& him : the foule ofman is an uncleane dwelling,,un- till Chrift takes poffeffion within him ; he rebukes the De- vil], and caufeth him to depart whom the Dilciples cannot t raft out.David overthrewGoliab with whom no Ifraelite durft enter combate:Chrift overthrows the devil,who,without the power ofChrift is invincible ; man of himfelfe can no more overcome him, no more deliver himfelfe from him, then the Cheep under Davids cuftody, was able to deliver it felfe from the Beare and the Lyon. Man is blind, in darkneffe and the fhadow of death, and no Sun but Chriff can enlighten him. Man is naked, and no garment but Chrift can (-loath and cover hire ; all other garments are but rotten rags, and fa- ding leaves, like Adams Fig - leaves, a poore and bale cover- ing. Man is poore, and no treafure but Chrift can enrich him, all is but dung and drofse betides Chrift. Man is in- debted, and none but Chrift can make fatisfa&ion for him ; a thou- 47 Neceffity of Chri ft. q z Kings-4. r John S.Y. s John 6.53. Marke 5. Matth. ì 7. z9;z6,ai. I Sam.t7.