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Meanes dif of ng man to come to Chris . cam tion : the foule of man that feel* fatana buffetings, is even reftleLI , until' he comes fully home to Chrift f Jefuc ; he flies to Chrift as a [beep to the Shepheard,driven by the Dog,and as a x chafed and wounded Hart to the Water brook!. Third- ly. we muff be experienced in the infuficiency and inability of the creature to help ur, to fatisfie us, to make us happy. Noa1, knowing that the y waters woúld overflow the earth, and that there would be no refling place thereupon for his foot, betook himfelfe unto the Ark, and entred into it : Mans ex perience of the vanity acid infufficiency ofthe creature, feel- ing that there is no reft nor flay for his foot thereon, betakes himfelfe to Chrift, looks to him, feeks for- intereff in him, expe &s all fafety from him. Fourthly, we muß have angui fly in cur hearts for fin, be out of love with our felves, difcontent with the naughtineffe of our hearts. The"people that were in debt, z in difire e, and in difcontent, came to David, and made him their Captaine : Mán takes no pleafure in Chrift, till he is difpleaf d with himfelfe. Spirituali diffrefíe and anguifh makes Chrift precious : he that knowes the greatneffe of his foules debt, comes to Chrift to make payment ; the more bitterneífe man doth tafle in finne, the more fweetneffe he doth find in Chrift : this makes Chrift very amiable and pre- cious, very fatisfa&ory and joyous, and fils the foule with Such longing after him, that as Naomi faid of Boaz, The man' will not be in reft until' he bath finifbed the thing thin day ; no more is man in any reft untill he hath finifhed this thing, untill he hath wrought-home his foule to Chrift, as a Mariner the flip unto the Haven of all "peace and fafety, of all all fatif- fa &ion and trànquilty. 53 X Pfa.4a.z: Experé nce of inCuticiency of the creature y Gen.7. Angui h for Pinne. I Sam:3 z. CHAP. I X. Teaching how to mike ufe of Clyriff. S all divine and heavenly fulneffe in Chrift ? is it all pla- ced there? Then we muff make ufe of Ghri(f," as the child of full breaffs, as the thirfty of a full vefell. Chrifts fulneffe H3 is i