5 6 How to sn* life of Chrifi. ,it, or a garment to him that doth not put it on ; but let us every way . make ufe of Chrift : make .ufe of his wifdonne to guide us, of his power to uphold us,of his dominion to awe us, of his Majefty to humble us, of his purity to make us vile in our owne eyes, to fhame us for our uncleanneffe, to work us to holineffe, ; of his juftice to drive us from fin, of his righteoufneffe to cloath us and cover our finnes, of his mercy to pardon us, of his love to comfort us, of his pre. fence to encourage us, of his fulneffe to fatisfie us, of his Word to feed us, of his Sacraments to confirme us, of his death to mordfie our luis, of his refurre&ion to quicken our foules, of his fufferings to fuffer with patience, of his interceffion to fettle us in the affurance ofthe pardon of our fins, and eftablifhment of the love of God on our foules ; of his Commandements as of a fpurre to quicken us in bis fer- vice, and as of a bridle to reftraine us from what is forbid- den ; of his promifes as of a rock to fuftaine us, as of a load - ftone to draw us, as of a light in darkneffe to comfort us, and as of a fpring in' the day of drought to refrefh and fill us. Excellent is the ufe of Chrift Jefas to the ( cules of all true Chriftians it extirpates all cares, difpelleth all feares, eva- cuates the mind. of diftra&ingthoughts and difturbing paf i- ons, fweetens all eftates, mittigates all forrovwes, facilitateth all burdens, and exhilerates the whole man. Very great is the foules happineffe, which makes á true, full, and conftant ufe of Chrift Jefus. CRAP. X. Perfiradiig to full aid con film acgesie fcence in Chri f , AS there is all fulneffe in Chrift, fo all Chriftians mutt work their hearts to a holy,gracious, full and conftant acquiefcencs. in Chrift, to flay on Chrift, to quiet and con- tent themfelves in and with Chrift, never declining from Chrift, never ftepping out, nor going afide from Chrift to any other helper ; but as the eye doth quiet it felfe in the fulnefle