84 Chrift comes in gods name. CHAP. XIla ri Hrifl came not as the falte prophets ofold, in his owne name, he had his calling and commilon from above. k Heb..5.4. k No man(faith the ApotUle) fpeaking of Chrift) take,th shill Chrifi corn honourto himfelfe, but filch anone as is calledof god as baron . né of the was ; and this is the fecond particular in the fluff generall Lord in tires part of thefewords, Chrifis Calling AndCommifftoa, He came fpeäs. in the name of the Lord ; Chrift is faid to come in the . name of the Lord. i.In refpeft of' Ordination. Chrift as. Mediator was appointed of old to minifter falvation to 1 t Pet.t.zo. 'Gods chofen ; I fore- ordained (faith Saint Teter) before the Kcv. t e.s. foundation of the world, but was manifcft in thefe lafl. times i.ordinacion. A lambe flame from the foundation of the world faithSaint 7bhn, flame from the foundation of the world in the eter- nail preordination of' God, in the promife of the feed of woman to breake the ferpents head, in the legall facrifices, in the faith of the fathers ; and in the fuffrings of his. members , in whofe fuffrings Chrift fu_fered , their fuffv- a,Preparation, rings then-fhadowing Chrií}s fu"fering to come. z. In re fpeft of preparation, Chrift as Man and Mediator is prepa- red and furnifhed with all abilities to execute and accom plifh his office ; it pleafed the Father (faith Paul) that in rt Co1. Y, t J. bim ,should all fulneffe dwell ;, fulne11 of wifedotne, power, grace, righteoufnefh,, and worth to minifter tohis Church, whatfoever appertained to the falvation, welfare, or peace , Ion, 3.34 , thereof, he having the Spirit poured out upon him above ;.Calling. ' meafure. 3. In rcfpeJ of Calling, defignation, and invefli- tire into his office. The Lord (faith Chrift as Mediator) s iCa.49.e. hash' calledme from the wombe, from the bowels of my mother' hath he made mention of my name ; and I (faith God theFa- g, then unto Chrift) will preferve thee, and give thee foraCove i rant of the people to effa6l jh the earth; and when Chrift was i baptized and foiennly entred upon his calling ; He was o Mat 3 17. confirmed by a voice from heaven, faying, This irmy o 73e- K z. laded