Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

84 Chrift comes in gods name. CHAP. XIla ri Hrifl came not as the falte prophets ofold, in his owne name, he had his calling and commilon from above. k Heb..5.4. k No man(faith the ApotUle) fpeaking of Chrift) take,th shill Chrifi corn honourto himfelfe, but filch anone as is calledof god as baron . né of the was ; and this is the fecond particular in the fluff generall Lord in tires part of thefewords, Chrifis Calling AndCommifftoa, He came fpeäs. in the name of the Lord ; Chrift is faid to come in the . name of the Lord. i.In refpeft of' Ordination. Chrift as. Mediator was appointed of old to minifter falvation to 1 t Pet.t.zo. 'Gods chofen ; I fore- ordained (faith Saint Teter) before the Kcv. t e.s. foundation of the world, but was manifcft in thefe lafl. times i.ordinacion. A lambe flame from the foundation of the world faithSaint 7bhn, flame from the foundation of the world in the eter- nail preordination of' God, in the promife of the feed of woman to breake the ferpents head, in the legall facrifices, in the faith of the fathers ; and in the fuffrings of his. members , in whofe fuffrings Chrift fu_fered , their fuffv- a,Preparation, rings then-fhadowing Chrií}s fu"fering to come. z. In re fpeft of preparation, Chrift as Man and Mediator is prepa- red and furnifhed with all abilities to execute and accom plifh his office ; it pleafed the Father (faith Paul) that in rt Co1. Y, t J. bim ,should all fulneffe dwell ;, fulne11 of wifedotne, power, grace, righteoufnefh,, and worth to minifter tohis Church, whatfoever appertained to the falvation, welfare, or peace , Ion, 3.34 , thereof, he having the Spirit poured out upon him above ;.Calling. ' meafure. 3. In rcfpeJ of Calling, defignation, and invefli- tire into his office. The Lord (faith Chrift as Mediator) s iCa.49.e. hash' calledme from the wombe, from the bowels of my mother' hath he made mention of my name ; and I (faith God theFa- g, then unto Chrift) will preferve thee, and give thee foraCove i rant of the people to effa6l jh the earth; and when Chrift was i baptized and foiennly entred upon his calling ; He was o Mat 3 17. confirmed by a voice from heaven, faying, This irmy o 73e- K z. laded