Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

90 q lob. 5.3o. Ioh.7.i8. 11011.17,4 . Chrift propofethhisfathers glory. preferres his fathers honour above his owne honour; agood fervant his Mailers profit, above his owne profit ; a loyall Embaffador the Kings will , meffage , advantage , and re- flume above his ownc will , errant , benefit, or credit. C.Fi"rífl as Mediator was both a fonne, a f.rvant, and Gods great Embaffador, preferring his fathers will, pleafure and praife above his owne : I 1 feeke not mine Drone will '(faith Chrift) 6ut the Will of him that fent me ; and againe, he fought not his owne glory, but the glory of him that Pent him, and to the father Chrift thus fpeakes of'himfelfe : I have glorified thee on earth , I have A fniffleed the worke :which thou gaveft me. He glorified his father on earth, by decla- ring his fathers will and counfell , by making his fa- ther appeare glorious in the eyes of the people, by afcri- bing all his miraculous and mighty works to his fathers power, by fulfilling his Law by his obedience , by fa- tisfying his fathers juftice by his fullrings, by gathering home the foules of men to God his Father, to knowhis Fathers will,' to adore his Fathers name, to obey his Fa- thers precepts, to beleeve his Fathers promifes, to love his Fathers truth, to glorifie his Fathers name, and every way to conforme themfelves and their doings to his Fa- thers teftimonies ; and by his full intendment, and glo- rious accomplifhment of his Fathers honour, hecompleat- ,ly -demonílrated his ordinat'on and preparation, his com- tning in the name of his Father to be mans Saviour. Salvation dd. penled-by Chrift. C H Al', XIII. IN this with open face may all men behold and fee Gods diffienfattion of falvatien unto man '6y Chrift his Some : Chrit is come in his Fathers name, ordained , prepared, moil abfolutely and compleatly furnifhed, tocommunicate fal-