Salvationby C,brif 91 falvation to the Lords chofen ; others come in the name of the Lord to procure and promote the falvation of man, inffrumentalfy, mtniflerially, fubordinately, dependantly; but airier is come in his fathers name to give falvation unto man abfolutely , and independantly , by his owne, power , weritorioufly, by his owne worth and merit, efficiently by the efficactons and mighty worke of his owne Spirit, ful- ly flcb. and everlaftingly, beint [ able to fave them to rias utter- T 7 a S náofl that come unto Clod by him ; the Lord Jefus is theef- ficient and meritorious caul , fpring and fauntaine ofmans falvation : There is not other name gtven under heavenWhenby 4 man can 4e f tved, but onely the name of Chrift. The name of the creature is a name of Wcaknefe, emptineffe, unwor- thinci e ; the naine of mans righteonfineff is a name of many pollutions the name of mans worke and fervices, is a name of debt and manifold imperfections ; the name of birth, of wealth, of art, of flrength and humane excellen- cies, are a name of no effeeme with God, for God is na re- fpeftor of perfons. None of thefe naines have wifedome to open the myftery of mans falvation, worth to fàtisfie Gods juflice, or ability to diffolve the works ofSatan, orfanCti- he the foules of men ;' Chriff alone communicates falva- tion to the Lords people ; the Arke was the only place of fafèty to Noah from the deluge ; Chrift is the onely fafe- guard of the foule cf man from the deluge of deftruftion ; all that were out of the Arke .perifhed in thewagers, there is no falvation to them that are out of Chrift Jefus. Chritl is the headand root. enlivining man.Thebodyof Lazarus lay corporally dead till Chrift raifed it ; the foule ofman lies fpi- ritually dead untill Chrift quickens it, Chrift is the Sunne enlightening mars , the world without the Sun is in dark- neff , the foule without Chrift is in biindneffe, noneof the Magitians and wife men, onely yofcph was able to inter- pret Pharaohs dreame : Neither man nor Angell, but Chrift onely, bath revealed his fathers will, and counfell touching mans falvation ; Chrift is the Conquerour that vanquiineth the adverfaries of mans peace ; all Ifrael flood trembling onely David overthrew the great Goliah : Chrift through death