92 Salvationby (bra death defiroyod the Devill that had the power of death, and delivered them who through feare of death Were all their life time fubjeEt to bondage : Chrift is the furety that payes mans debt, he gave himfelfe a ranfome for man, whom all the world could not redeerne ; Chrift is the fountaine purging the fume of mans foule , none of the rivers of I)amafcus, only Jordan cleanfed the leprole of of Naaman ; neither man nor Angell, only the Lord Jefus can purge away mans uncleanneffe : Chrftts righteonfneffe is the roabe which co- {vers us, and makes us appeare juft in Gods prefence : 7a- I cob obtained the blefling not in his owne, but in his el- Ider brothers appareil : Man is accepted of God, ob- taines the bleffing of pardon and peace, not through his owne but through the rightecufneffe of Chrift ; Chrift is the treafüre and ftore-houfe which filleth man, all the gar- ners 7n the land of' Egypt were empty onely ,ofeph had provifion for them ; all the foules of men are empty, on- ly thrift filleth aff is aff : Chrift is the Prince of mans peace, and Authour of mans reconciliation with God. Io- fephs brethren being fhepheards were an abomination to the Egyptians ; but by Iofephs meanes they came nigh to 'Pharaoh, and found favour with him : Man by reafon of his finne is an abomination to the Lord, but through Chrift he commethonigh to God, and finds fweet and gracious acceptance of God ; and thus as in a glaffe we feeali the caufes of mans falvation and eternall happinrile derived, and flowing from and through Chrift Iefus.,, God mini- firing ail his fulnefle unto man by Chrift, and accepting man and all his holy fervice in Chrift ; he that looks be- fide or beyond Chrift for falvation , looks beyond the fountaine for water to refrefh him, beyond the Sunne for light to guide him, and beyond the 'rocke for a founda- tion to fupport him ; he that layes not firme and fure hold on Chrift , never meets with fweet, with fore and ever- 'ailing peace ; he that truly embraceth Chrift, may un- doubtedly perfwade himfelfe of his falvation ; heitath a Qnide of infinite wifedome to direa him, a rocke of invin- cible ftrength to fuftaine him, a rich and royall roabe of abfolute