96 Satfiietliontio Chrift. of the commandement is love out of a pure heart, arifing from au inward principle of true grace. Worfhipping in Spirit and it: truth is the worfhip which Chrift requireth, accepteth, and wherein he'delighteth, obedience from an unfanftified heart is but filthy water from an uncleane fountaine, and bad fruit of a corrupt tree : Chrift takes no pleafure in it, the facrifice, prayer, and whole Way ofthe a,Filiatl, wicked is an abomination to Lord. z. To Chrift let us fubjeft our felves, filially, not as haves for feare of hell, but ¡ as fonnes for love, having a holy affection awing us, and making us loath to °End Chrift, our love to and delight in holincffe moving us to wake in the way ofGods pre- y Luk.s.94,75 cepts, ferving him Y without feare, without bate and f rvile feare, in holinefe and` righteotefnefe before, him all the dayes of our life. 3. To Chrift let us be fubjcft univerfally. Moles 3 Univerfall, built the whole Tabernacle after Gods patterne, man muff build his whole converfation according toChri(ts prefcrip- tion ; that obedience which is not univerfall, is un- found and hypocritical) ; the Law is one Copulative, he that allowes himfelfe in the breach of one preceptis guilty of the whole Law ; he that makes not confcience of all truly makes confcience of none. lt is in vaine withHerod to doe many things referving an Herodias in our.bofomes: It is to no purpofe with Saul to flay the refufè of the ftutfe, referving to our felves the lowing Oxe, and blea- ting Sheep ; his heart is not right with God that walks not in all the wayes ofGod ; he doth truly hate no finne, that labors not the mortification of all (inne. As the care- full Scholler therefore writes according to the whole copy fo let us have refpee`f to the whole Law of God ; and as fometime yonathans armour-bearer faid to him , Loe I am with thee according to thy heart, turne thou Which Way faever I thou wilt. Thus let us be with Chriff, even after Chrifts owne heart, let us be with him which way foever he turnes before us, in his word, walking with Zachary and ,}Speedy. Elizabeth,in all the ordinances of God. 4. To Chriff let us fub- jft our felves fpeedily : As Abraham role up early, and put away the bond-woman and her fonne : fo let us rife up