Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

98 Dependance riJ . Love to Chat. ;.0. Loie. 4.Of Acqui. eCcence and contcntation, on a helper at all needs, a deliverer in all diftref es, a counfel- lor in all doubts, and a fupply in all wants; therefore Al upon the Lord : He can command a deliverance for yaco6 when there is no deliverer, as he commanded the ftormy tempeft , and rettored a calme to the Difciples : He can fupport man when he is ready to flnke, as he fuoortedPe- ter finking in- the water ; he can provide, as he made pro- vifion for the Difciples attending him, and having nothing to eat, as he prepared a Well for Hagar when her bottle was empty ; he can comfort , when all the flares of con- folation are let ; he can give light in darknel':, as he gave Sampfon honey out of the Lyon ; therefore looke unto Chrift, fàften the eyes ofyour faith upon him, commit your felves to him, truft your felves with him,and you (hall fee in due fea- fon ámin iftrationofwhatfoever is behovefull. A third duty whereunto this prefleth us is a duty of LovetoChrift : In Chrift is the fulnes of allabilities, what- foever is worthy of love is in Chrift in the higheft pecfe- ction ; therefore this fhould much endeare Chrift toman, and make him very amiable and glorious in the eyes of man : He indeed is worthy ofall love, he is the King that rules over us, the guide that leads us, the fhepheard which watcheth over, and feeds us, the ranfomer that redeemes us, the builder which newmakes us, the Captain that over- comes for us , the teacher that inftruc`teth us, the treafury that enricheth us, and the hu4band who betrothethhimfelfe unto us ; therefore he fhould be in our eye the faireft of ten thoufand, our foules fhould be ficke oflove towards him, and in our love wefhould proftrate our felves, and all that is ours under him. A fourth duty whereunto this doth prefie us, is a duty of' Accquiefeence in Chrift, and contentation with Chrift ; in Chrift are all divine abilities ; he that bath Chrift hath all, he that hath the Sunue hath all light, the that hath the fountaine hath all water , he that hath Chrift may fay as Jacob did, I have enough. Elkanah gave to Hanna a worthy portion, he hath the choifeft portion to whom God gives Chrift ; he that poffeffeth molt ofChrift, bath the richeft3 the