Chri.i communicatedby hìs Minifers. ftruments the worke of 'faith in men ; the mat) ofGod by his prayer reftored A jeroboams withered hand ; the "Mini- tier by his preaching and prayer reftores the hand of faith in the heart of man, formerly withered, dryed up, and of no ufe : Faith commeth by hearing: t-t ho is Paul, andWho is Apollo hut Mini fiers by whom ye beleeved,even as the Lord cave to every man. The Minifters communicate the lfeof(.hrift to inn ; Chrift by his corporali voice called N Lazarus out of his grave, by his Evangelical! voice, by his word in the mouth of his Minifters he cals the foules of' men out of the grave of' finne ; the dead in finne q heare the voice ofthe Sonne of God in the Gofpell, and they that heare,live. The miniftery of the Gofpell is the infirument of the foules vivi- fication, a meanes of Chrifts living in them that are Gods children ; the Minifters communicate the love of Chrift, Chrift r gives his love to the foule of man , in the mini- fiery of his word ; Ifaac gave the pledges of his love to Rebeckah by Eleazar his father Abrahams f_rvant : Chrift gives the pledges of his love to his Spoufe the Church by the Minifters, Godhis fathers fervants ; by them he wo- eth and f effioufeth them unto himfelfe, and in the ban- I 2 Cor. r Lt. queuing bout:: of his ordinances, his banner over them is =love ; the Minifters communicate the peace of Chrift,the Enabaffador fpeAs words of peace from the King, and com- municates the Kings peace unto the people ; the Minifter, the Embafl':dor of Chrift, the Prince of.peace, preacheth peace by Icfus Chrift to the foules of men. The Lord bath created, ordained, and appointed the fruit of hi.t lips to be peace to them that are nigh, and to them that are afar off. Chrift feeding the multitude corporally, diftributed bread ;unto them by his Dïfctles ; Chrift feeding the foules of men fpiritually with himfelfe , the true tread of life come .doWne from heaven, communicates himfelfe to men by the labours of his Minifters. Abraham by the hands of his fer- vantsminiftred jewels and bracelets to Rebeckah ; God by his Minifterscommunicates manjtfpiritual andheavenly jew- els, even the whole tre&fury of Chrift Jefus.tohis faithful! Church and fervants whom he joynes in wedlocke with his 105 1 n t King, Rom. 0. 17. t tï or. 3 . 3 Lite of P Ioh. t 1.gç. gIoh.5.25 4.Love of (hoff. r ÇanC.7,t2. t 2 Cant z 4. 5. Peace of Chrtft. 1f1.9 6. a Atì.to 3o. 6.Whole trea- fury of C hri f,