z. Deliverance from s,evils dtfpenfed by Minílters. a.Spiritull .death. z.$lir,dnefre. w Afì.z6.18. ;.Bondage. g.Vnclannes. ISottltortwres Deliverance di.fenfed by theMiniffers. his forme : lblanifold, fvveer and gracious are Gods difpen- fations of his Sonne by the labours of his Minifters ;Chrift in andby the miniftery of the Gofpell is made very confpi- cuous and glorious in.the eyes of the people ; very great is theirbleffedncfíe who have Chrift communicated to them by the laboursofGods Mmifters. 2. In regard of the evils fromwhich god delivers man by the labours of his cMiniflérs. God -delivered the womanofS6a.. hems fonne from bodily death by the minìftery of thePro.. phet ; the Lord delivers the foule of man from Ffiiritteall death, from being dead in fnnes by the labour of his MI- nifters ; the'miniftery of the Gofpell is the infirumentall catife of the firft refurreelion ; the word is termed a Word of life, declaratively revealing life, and operatively as an in- ftrument working life. God delivered Patel from his bo- dily blindneffe by the hands of 'A'nanias ; he delivers mane from s`firituall blindneffe,by the doctrine of his meffengers, by their inftruE`tion , VN he opens their eyes, and turnes them from darkneCc to light, and from the polder.of Satanunto God, The Lord delivered 'Peter from Herods prifon by the mi- niftery ofthe Angell : He delivers man.from Satansprifon, and bondage by the worke of his Minifters , by this as by a warlike weapon he cafts down the holds offine : Satan fais like lightening from heaven , and the foules of men partake of fpirituall freedome ; as Goliah fell before Da- vid with a ftoneout of ` Davids fling, fa dóth Satan before the Minifter of the Lord , with the word of God out of their mouth. God delivered Naaman from his leprofìe in Jordan, and the impotent from their infirmities in Betties-1 eta : The Lord in and by the Gofpell fandifìes the foules of his children, this wafheth away their uneleannefh, this heales their infirmities, this makes them new creatures. Chrift by his voice appeafed the ftormy teolpeft, and gave a calme t : his Difciples ; Chrift by his Gofpell appeafeth the tempefluous and perplexed confciences of his fervants, and brings them into a haven of' fpirituall peace and ' etnefle : He mikes his Minif'ers as an Angell of God, and one of a thoufattd to the afflicted foule, comming like) Noah,