108 S.Of Saris- faftiota. 6.OfDwation Manmade Hef'edandexcellent by Minift?er;. and flow unto the fea ; a condition of honour and exalta- tion, the Gofpell making them Sonnes of' God by rege- neration, the friends of God by love, the membersofChrift by faith, and heires annexed with Chrift, for their prefent title to , and future participation of the fame inheritance with Chrift Jefiis ; a condition of fri/neffeand fatisLion, they are fatisfied with the goodneffe of Gods houfe;tre Gof- pell leads them unto Chritt, the Sunne in whom is all light, the tree on whom growes all fruit, the fountaine from whom Howes all refre(h;nent , the rocke in whom is all ftrength, the pearle in whom is all worth, and the Paradife in whom is all pleafure and peace ; very fweet and wonderful!, gracious and overflowing are the comforts and contentments derived from Chrift to Gods children, under their enjoyment of the Gofpell. Laflly, a condition ofpermanency and duration ; though the grate Wither, and the flower fade, yet the Word of the Lord abideth for ever. Though worldly fulneffe change like the Moone, and ve- nial like a vapor, and wither like the flower and thegraffe, yet the eflate of grace, into which men are called by Gods Minifiers, is an ellate of' firme and fare continuance; they are fonnes abiding alway in their fathers houf.; they are trees planted by the water fide never wi'hering ; they are houles built upon the rocke never finking ; their graces like the lightfhine more and more to the day cf their perfettion ; the excellency of their effete who enjoy and make belt Life of the Gofpell, abundantly declares Gods dif- penfation of' very great, fweet and.heavenly bleflings by the labours of his Miniilers. CHAP.