Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Goldmuff not be freighted full found ? O ! how bale are they in theeyes ofGod, who I have fuchbafeapprehenlions of Gods Ordtnances,and the la- bours of his Minifters. God will furely (leight them that height his Chrift, his Gofpell, or any of Gods appointed inftruments and meanes of their falvation : Honour therefore and attend the Gofpell as the Starre in which Chrift theSun of Righteoufneff Both Thine untoyou ; as the cloudwhence Chrift diftilleth like the dew upon you; as the fierypillar wherein Chrift goes before,you;as the Schoole wherein Chrift mftruaeth you; is the feaft whereat Chrift feedeth you;as the Phyficke bywhich Chn(t healeth you; and as the fiery charet in which Chrift triumphantly carries you to cverlafting bliffe and glory. ** FIN IS,