"7 THE MYSTERY OF SELF-DENYALL O F,, THE CESSATION OF - M ans living to ñiirlfelfe : c. N THE INCHOAT ION OF CHRISTS living in (Aran. CHAP. J. Ga1.2. zo. Nevertheleffi ¡live,yet not 1, but Chrifi livethin me. HE condition of the man in the Parable, travelling between ferufalem and ?ericho, is a cleare and lively Embleme of' the eftateof a Chriftian. The man in the Parable defcended from perforateur to Jericho : Mali is fallen from 9ertefalem to fericho, fromheaven to the world, from God to Satan , from knowledge to ignorance , from holinefíe