Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

I i o Chrir death the dea/ùf Sin. Scope ofthe Apoftle. Anedyfia. z.Parts, Chrift, the fpirituall and heavenly King. All mans holy and heavenly excellencies are borrowed from the Lord J e - fus : Man is an empty ciflerne, and bath all his fulneffe from Chrift, the true and everliving fountains ; Ch rift is the root by whom he is fuftained, the .wing by whom he is filled, the Stin by which he is enlightened, the ,garment wherewith he is covered, the crowne with whichhe is ho- noured, the head by which he is guided, the eye by which he Teeth, the hand by which heworketh, thefoot bywhich he walketh, yea the very fouls by which he liveth. What- foever goodncffe or excellency is in a Chriftian, it is Chrifts and not his owne ; his very life is nothing but the living of Chrift in him ; he muft fay with Paul, Nevertheleffe, I live, jet not I, but Chrift liveth in me, The words are a declaration of a Chriltians life. Chrift living in beleeving man, and man living unto Chrift. The Apoftle fetti-n ; forth how he was dead to the Law , that he might live to God, tels us that he Vuas crucified together with Chrift. Chrift being crucified for us, and we being by faith ingrafted into him, doe dye to fanne, and mor- tifie our earthly members which are upon earth ; the death of the Lord Jefus is the death of finne in all beleeving Chriftians , they live no more as formerly they did , they have Chrift now living in them, and communicatinghim- felfe unto them : He that hath not experience of Chrifts living in him, in the way and worke of fandification, pre- fumes in vaine of being faved by his death and fuff.ring.; no man knowes the benefit of Chrifts death . but he that feeles the vertue of Chrifts life. Man bath no further affu- rance of Chrifts dying for him then as he feeles Chrift li- ving in him : He that knowes the power ofChrifts death the mortification of his lulls, knowes alto the vertue of Chrifls life in the 9uickning of his foule, and can fay with Jul, á r. ow Ilive,yet not I, bnt Chrafl liveth inme. In the words, not to trouble you withmany particulars, we have two generali things propofed, a.(hriflian abnega- tion ' I live, yet not I. 2.Holy and gracioru vivification, abut Chrift liveth in me. In the abnegation, wehave r.the Ì Sub --- ------