Cbrif.rdeath the death ofSin. 221 Subicil : I Taut the Apoflle, a man chofen and called of. Subdiviß°n. God, a man filled and furnifhed with the fulneffe ofChrifl; t.st;bjefo.a. and in and under him is underflood all beleeving Chrifti- Noe ans. Such done as are truly fandified and gracious peopleare the compleat and proper Subiell of that life Which is heavenly and fpirituall Onely the living body is the feat and fub- jeft of the foule ; and that man alone that is fpiritually quick ned, hath Chrift refiding and dwelling in him, communica- tingholy and heavenly life to hum. 2. Here is the Predicate, or thing affirmed, Life ; and that is two Mayes propofed : I.afirmativey, I live_ 2.Ne- gativey, yet not I. Firfl affirmatively, I live, I lived once under the Law, which made me a perfecutor ofthe Church of God, convinced me of finne, 1,s,ìrought in me all mari- ner of concupifence, and flew me, and I then found my felfe tobe dead in finne, but now I have embraced Chriff, and am crucified with him ; now I am no more theman I was, but now I have Chrift, who doth quicken me,who doth rule, and guide, and flrengthen me by his Spirit ; now I live fpiritually and holily , now I live to God, and not unto my felfe, to Chrifl, and not unto the. world; now I live under grace, and not under the Law ; now I live ac- cording to the will of Chrift, andnot after mine owne loft and fancy ; now I live indeed, formerly I did but feeme to live 411 life is as nothing, yea as at very death in cemparifon of a. Note. holy and graciates life. Menwithout grace are as dead, even trio4.,6. while they live : He that hath not Chrift living in him, fit/ in darkneffe, and the Jhadow of death, all the dayes of his d zCor, 3 to. naturali and temporali life,. as the Apoflle.faid ofthe Law compared to the Gofpell, That which was made d glo- rious had no glory by reafon of the glory that excel- leth : fo in this cafe, the naturali life of' man, how- foever deare, and precious, Tweet or glorious, it may fecme to be ; yet it is of no price, of no fwectneffe, of no glory , in comparifon of the worth, glory, fweet- neffe, and comfort of a fpirituall life , which excel- leth ; great is that mans happineff, that lives by the life of Chrift Jefüs. Hee is the inofl blefled and z. Pneliettm.