TheEpif le, totheReader. the bleffing ofHeaven upon our deare and dread Sove- raignc, and upon his great. Councell, that his Name, his Throne and .Kingaorne may flourifh and ,thine in glory like the Sun to the endof the world, and that their Coun- cell may be acceptable tobim,the diviP,os ofReubenfweet ly andfully. reconciled, our thrcatnedflorm changedinto a.blef edcalm,havingonePrince of peace commandingas, one word ofpeaceinflratilira us, one/1)&4a ofpeacecon- clueling. us,onewayof peace,wherunto theLord bath called us:let every man cash the difobedient Ionah oat of theShip of'his ownfoul, which makes our waters tempeftucus.Let e- very man cut. of the Sheba of his acne rebellious loft, which caufeth God to threaten the laying of a. Siege. a gainft the City both ofour foule and body. Let sss meet the Lord as Abigail did David, that theLord may be untreated, that all that is amífße may be thoroughly refor- med, and the Golpel o four peace in theparity andperfet7ion there'.continued, and the unity of the Spirit inthe bond of peaceprefrved 6. Communicatefreely and fully to theneceflities ofthe Church of Chrift, asthe Sun his light to themthat fit in d«rkneffe, the mother her breaf to the hungry child, and the Coud its raine to theth:rfty ground ; the Char-, elves wants areter the tryallofthine abundance, theChurch purcbaf d by the bloodof Chrit is more precious then all worldly paff°ffions. and challengeth prchenminence in thy of ethons above alt earthly treafures., What thou po(-: full is not- fo much thine as Chrift,, and threforeought freely to he exp°nded in the cattle of Cheat. It is the ho NOSY ofthy "Uhl-tame to be imploy, d in.the Lordsfervice; it is ehe 4i .,Ty ofa Chr .titan to .e C -1, ifts Almoner to feed his Church agedchildren; the Church is a Vineyardwhence a. .: