13-4 Worldly minded, voltapuro,w, proud,fuperfitioau. ox horfehacke, and Princes walling on foot. Euery man may fee in thefe times mens naturals lofts and afndions which fhould like fervants be kept under and fuppreffed, humbled, . brought low, and made to walke on foot ; yet thefe are fet on horfebacke, exalted, honoured, preferred, and Chrift i the Prince ofpeace, and all his ordinances, ffatutes, and teftimonies, which fhould reigne and rule like Princes in the foule ofman, theft are made like fervants to travel! on foot ; thefe are of no e4eeme and price with men ; . thefe have no rule and fway in the hearts of men : Hero- bhpr.G, diets bath preheminence in the heart of b Herod above the Mat.S.., Baptill ; a Swine is of more efteenae then Chriff with the Gaderine. Mans exaltation ofhis corrupt afteéfions is a foule and fhamefull abafement of Chrift and his ordinan- ces. 4.worlily Some deny not their worldly profits 7efe fet Davidbe- minded. hind the d ewes, many fet Chriff behind the oxe and the e Luk. 468. af.%; the e farm and the wife,their merchandife and world- ly trafficke, they prize the world above Chrift, they love this more then they love Chriff, the love of the world car- ries their fheart farre from Chriff, when their bodies draw neare to Chrift ; the overvaluing of the earth is an under- valuing of Chrift ; when the world is over fweet and fa- voury to mens palates, their foules g difrellilh Chrift and his ordinances ; when the earth is pleafant like a Paradife, Chriff and all the tneanes of grace are apprehended as a very wildernefr . ç.Volupnwn Some deny not their (One pl:afures, but value them above i]yafl' ted,and Chriff, as Efasa did a few pottage above his (irthrkht ; vainiyexalted. Tome deny not their pride, but as Abfalom fought to raigne, though it were to the difhonour and depofall of his fa- ther David from his throne : fo they feeke to magnifie themfelves, though to the difhonour of God, and depofall of Chrift from his Throne in their hearts s force deny not their owne forth and goodneffe, they are rich and full in their owne opinions, as the man in the Prophet, which dreamed, he had eaten and was full ; fame deny not their owne fuperfiitionr, they receive for doCfrines the comman- dements Ezek 3 3.3 z. gAmos 8o5,