Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

i36 i Ifa,47, k z San,,[y, 1Rom zxl6. MGM .33 9. nRer9.a7. 2.0verfwayino lulls. o z Iiee.z. s o. Self-prizing, overfwayinglulls. thinke of himfelfe above that which is convenient, to prid himfelfe in his endowments , abilities , to thinke of him- Ielfe as the Qiieene of Rabylon did, that he is a i ueene and ne Widow, wife and not ignorant, rich and not poore, fwll and not empty, holy and not.prophane, free and not bound , as ,. prided himfelfe in the talneff of his ffature, and bigneffc of his armour : fo doth man pride himflfe in his naturali, moral], and temporali-habiliments and furniture, contrary to the charge of the Apol}le,1 Man is wife in his conceit , and will not (loop to wholfome infirution, he thinks himfelfe fuflicient for himfelfe, to guide himfelfe, to fullaine himfelfe , to make himfelfe ac- ceptable unto God. '» Efau thought he had enough, and re- fufed his brothers prefent : vaine man thinks he hath enough,wifedome,faith,love, holineffe enough ; and therefore refufeth the fpirituall and heavenly prefence of Chrill:, his or- dinances,benefits,graces,andall helps tohappineffe;he dreams that he is wife,when he is foolith,fpirituall,when he is carnal, full when he is empty, like the ° Laodicean ; and this difables him todeny himfelfe, and fubjeLhimfelfe to Chuff ; he,tfiat fuppofeth he bathwater enough at home inhis owne cillerne, will not goc to his neighbours well. Thoughts of felf- fuffici- ency hinder men from going out of themfelves, and corn- ming unto Chrill:: The Pharifees conceited fo highlyoftheir owne wifedome, that they refufed Chrill and his doecrine ; the whole puts not himfelfeunder thehands ofthe Phyfitian tobedieted, lanced, and purged by him. z. The overfwayingof corrupt and carnalllugs : Thefe over- fway man, as a Miller doth hisfervant,or a King his fubje&, they ruleand reignewithin man,andmake man theirofervant; thefcrvant(as S.Peterfaith)ofcorruption; and as a fervantis not hisown man, but his Matters, is guided his Matter, minds and intends his Mafter,feekesthe pleating and profiting of his Mailer, is bound and.cannot enter into the fervice of another. Thus thefe men are not their owne men, but the fervants of their luffs, moved, led, and guided by their lofts, min- ding and intending their lulls, feking to pled:, and profit )their kifis, making' pavilion for the fiefb to fulfill the /mils thereof: