Subiectlionholy, cordial!,full, perpetual!. fickneffe, and no longer ; but let it be continual! and con- flant , grow in it ; a man once dead lives no more , but daily rots and confumes away in his grave. Thus the world and fume being once denied , once crucified , mull live no more, but daily decay and dye within us. And let us not only deny our felves, but to our felt denyall Çea) oiofelÉi- joyne fubjeCtion unto Chrift, proIrate all under Chrift ; denyall w th and to him let us fubjed our felves holily, with obedience the quallfi- out of a pure bears, being holy in all manner of converfa- canons. tion, as he that bath called us is holy 2.C'ordially, obey- t.Holily. ing from the heart root the forme of docrine delivered us, z.cordially. able to fay with the Pfalmift, thy Law O Lord ie in my heart, I delight to doe thy will. 3'. truly, let us not in- ;.Fully, dent with Chrift as Pharaoh did with Jofeph , rcferving chiefly the Throne unto himfelfe ; but let us put all un- der Chrift, let Chrift reigne over all, in our underftandings as a Prophet enlightening us , in our wils as a King com- manding us , in our afHtions, as a Prtelt mortifying us, in our love, as a husband marrying us, let the whole man be fubjeft unto whole Chrift. And +Perpetually, let there q.Ferpetually. be no end of Chrifts kingdome , let his kingdome in our foules like the houfe of `David in Ifrael grow ítronger and ftronger. And the better to induce us thus to deny our felves, and to put all under Chrift. Looke upon, i. The interefl which Chrift bath in a Cbriflian, as a Inducements workman in his workmanfhip, for we are the veorkmanfbip to Selfdenyall of noel in C' created unto good Works ; as a ranfemer in s.Chrdts inte- the redeemed, he hath bought us with a price ,; as a dwel- ftn a Chri_ /et- in his houfe , he dwelleth in our hearts by faith ; as a loner in his gift , we are given unto him of God by eter- nall elec}ion , and by eff etuall vocation ; Chrifis intereft inus doth challenge full obedience from us, none hath fuch claime and title to us, none should have fuch fervice and fub- jedion from us. 2. The relation between its and Chris, a relationof King f.Relation to and people, husband and wife, thepheard and flocke, head Chrift. and 149