Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

150 y,Subj: âion of all things under Chnl}. 4.Abufe of thongs not made fervice. able co' Chug. kRoni, 111. 36. Subicïtinofall things under of Chrift. and members, in all which we may reade, as in live- ly characters the duty of (elfe- denyall and obedi- ence. 3. The fuhjetlion andputting of 411 things under Chrift: He bath all power both in heaven and earth, he is made the head over all things to the Church, all is Chrifls fer- vant : It is a great wrong to the Mailer of the houle, to draw away the fervice and obedience of his fervant from him, to exalt his fervant above him : The withholding of any thing from the fervice of Chrift, the Petting up of any thing in the roome of Chrift is a great dishonour to Chrift. 4. The abufe of All things which are here made futiett and ferviceable unto Chriii There is in every thing a power and a difpofition to doe fome fervice to Chrift, to worke to the exaltation of Chrift, they are all made for this end and ufe , they have an energy and inclination hereunto ; there is in all the implements of a houle an artüiciail ap- titude to doe fome fervice to the Mailer of the houle ; there is in all the things of the little houle of man, F:nd in this great houle of the world a viituall aptitude todoe fome fervice to Christ, the Mailer of this houle, k ill tlings (faith the Apoftle) are of him, by creation, through hmo, by prefervation, and to him, in their fervice, ufe, and ap- plication , and whatfoever man bath which he doth not put under Chrift, which he doth not ufe as an instrument of Chrifts glory, he doth abufe it, the gold and filver, lands and livings, art and learning, friends and acquain- tance, underftanding, will, memory, affecctions, fpeech, or whatfoever elkman bath ; he loth abufe and prophane it, he doth divert and turne it from its true and proper inclination, end, and appointment, when he cloth not glorifie Chrift with it. Know you not (faith the Apoftle) thatyour bo- dies are the members of Chrift, (hall I then take the mem- bers of Chrift, ánd make them the members of an harlot, God forbid. Thus know we not that that all the faculties of our foules, all the members ofour bodies, and all things elfe, are the giftsand creatures of Chrift, shall we then take the