Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

153 ¡ A?fcribing. ll to grace. --- miniller cleare and comfortable evidence ofmans denyall. of h imfelfc for Chrift. Al bins 4. The humble andhearty afcri6in; ofall the good zclich ú of all to the in ;, or done by man unto the grace of God. He that {e_ gracc of G 3d. nyes himflfe tranfhtes the doing of all that good which he loth from himfelfe unto God , as the proper Authour thereof ; he puts all from himfelfe, as being; nothing in . himfelfe, and afcribes all to God as to the fbunraine whence all grace ldowes, as to the almightyhand by which all good is accomplifhed : He acknowledgeth his owns gä: Cor.3.5, g infuficiency without God, as the cifterne is infà hcienr to 'nit-niter water without the fauntaine, and the branch to bare any fruit without the root, or the toole to worke without the hand : Self - denyall abafèth man and the abi- lities of nun, and exalteth God and his grace. A horrible man will not endure the glory of any thing to be afcribed to himfelfc, but referres all to God and Chrift, and- ftrives to raife the eyes and hearts of men to God and his grace. `Paul and B4,114.444 perceiving the men of Lyfira had too high thoughts of them, reputing them as Gods when they h Aft, 14,14, were but the Lords inflrun:ents , they h rent their cloathes, 15'4 and ran in among the people, crying out, andfiling, Why doe ye thefe things, We alto are men of like paffrons with you, and preach-that ye fhould turne from thel .vanities to the living Clod, The immoderate honouring of men is a great diiho- nouring of God ; a humble and gracious man is not fo much difpleifed to heare himfelfe unjustly traduced, as to fee himfelfe inordinately magnified ; he that cloth de-. ny himfelfe that he may exalt God, cannot but much grieve to fee himfelfe by the applaufe of- vaine men fet in the roome of God, and made a difhonourer ofGod : It is queflionleffc the ltudy of him who fees Ifs owne vileneffe, emptinefie, and unworthineffe , to make the name ofGod glorious ; he is very willing and ready to be abafed, that God may be the more glorified. When God hath made him the instrument ofany excellent worke, he is jealous of being deified and idolized ; and therefore faith with Pe- ter, Why i marvell ye at thy, or why Jokeye fo earnetly on H', i.Aft 3 12,,13,