Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

i62 (Mans delight in Chriig undercrof f"e. finds in him fo much love to Chriff, that he will Leave all to enjoy Chriff ; he leaves all for the prefnr, in refpea of affeilion, his love to the creature in compar ifon of his love to Chrift is a comparative x h.urea he leaves all in retpea of price and estimation, Chad in his eye the r fai_ ref( of ten thoufand: A, vine, a Tilley, a glorious Prince, a bright and shining Suane : The creature a thornti, a weed, a beggar, a ve-y glo-worm:, a thing of. nought; he leaves all in refpeft of fervice and fiSj_:lion, h: is not under the power of the creature, r he is not the f:rvai of the creature, he a pofffeth ao if he poffefed not, and he is ready aCtnally to leave all , whenloever he.1?aa11 be called to it, as a woman leaves her b Farherr hotsfe, and her ownc people, to cohabite with her husband ; he that denyes him - felfe leaves his friends with e Levi, leaves his countrey with d AIErahamn, Ieaves his place of dignity with the blinde 'man, leaves his t poff'qionr with the Difciples, and is ready with Paul to leave his lift for the teltimony, honour, and frvice cf Chrift ; he chufeth rather to enjoy Chrift with the loffe of all, then to lot Chriff with the gaine of all the world can afford him : Wherefclf.dcnyalldwels,and beares dominion, Chrift is infinitely more Beare then all the treafure of the world ; he that denyes hiaafafe, chu- f°th rather to be the fervant of Chrift in the lower world- ly emptinefíe,then to ferve himfelfc,and be a ranger to Chrift in the greateft earthly fulneff. 7. C/`ITant pleafrní and delighting himfelfe in Chrifl cinder the croffe and hatred of tie world. He that denyes himfelfe is well pleated, and to' ;Ty fatisfied with Chrii, though the world hate him, rife up againft him, poure great contempt upon him, and minifter much trouble to him ; the bride pleafeth her felt: in the bridegroome, though her other friends become ftrangers to her , or turne enemies againft her, though many troubles and difafters attend her, yet the enjoyment of her husband mitigates and fweetens all, and comfortably anfwers all. The foule that is married unto Chrift, pleafeth and delighteth it felfe in Chriff, though 211 friends according to the flefh become ftrangers, or prove enemies, 1 6. y ,r,ant.s,to. t Prov.23.s a i Cor.7.:9. b Pïal.çs. e Deur3i 829 d Gen ta.r. e Ioh . fMu.¢.ai. '.Mans plea- sing audde-. liy hrin fcife in Ciarift under the crof;e.