iener ìes, et Ch in Read of all friends, though many clouds of furrow and flormcs of trouble arife, and no gar of worldly comfort appeal-es ; yet Chrift is a Sinne, in Read of all lights, a rocke, in Read of all füpporters, and a havet,in Read of all hiding places. Chrift to him that de- \oyes himfelfe, is an hiding place frown the Wind, and a Co- gl1 ;s.i. kvert from the tempefl ; as rivers of :eater in a dry place, yes the fhadow of a great rocks in 4 wear, land : Chrift is in Read of all, and much more then all to him that for Chritts fake denyes all, and is denyed of all. Chrift is a recompence arfwering all lcffcs, to his holy and humble fervants,' whom h PCa1.73.21, have I in heaven (faith the Pfalmift) but thee, and there ie z6. none upon the earth that I defre befide thee, my flea) and my heart faileth, t.ut God is the flrength of my heart, and my portion for ever : The world never brings a gracious and humbled man fo low, but he fees power enough in Chrift to raife him up , never makes him fo empty , but he fees fulncffe enough in Chris to replenish him, never fo hates him , but he fees love enough in Chrift to comfort him, never fo filleth him with trouble, but he fees peace enough i in Chrift to quiet him ; and this makes him that denyes himfelfe, when he , Walks in dark.nef fe, and bath no light, to a Ifa; ;o.t o. trufl in the name of the Lord, and to flay himfelfe upon his God : This makes him account it all ley k to fall into ma- k ism,t.7. nifold temptations for Chrifls fake ; all temptations and troubles being to him that denyes himfelfe, arguments of his feparation from the world, pledges of his efee`tuall cal- ling, tefi:imanies of the Devils and the finfall worlds ha- tred againa him, phrficke to cure and purge out many un- happy difeafes of tame, trumpets to awaken him, preferva- rtives againfl fecurity, conflat to try his faith and love to Chril,and :wanes of the er dearement of his foule toChris, Chrift fweetning them unto him, Chia being to him in the mica of them , as the honey in the belly cif the Lyon unto Sampron ; as the !irks to Noah in the deluge, appre- hending, tailing, and pleating himfelfe in the love of Chris, he sloth glory in tribulation, and though he is in heavineffa through manifold temptations, yet beleeving in Chris , P 4 he Mans deliqAt in Cl.ri ttndcr crap. fe t 6;